Sunday, April 28, 2013

GROWING SEEDS -" Blue Sunday"


“Who is the GREATEST in the kingdom of heaven?”
He called a little child, and had him stand among them.  And he said,
“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little CHILDREN,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
(Matthew 18:1-3)

A number of years ago, my sister and her husband decided to become foster parents to abused children in the DFW area.  As the children filed through their home one by one, some staying a few days, others staying a few years, you would have thought these kids came from a third world country instead of the modern Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex they grew up in.  Their living conditions were atrocious and included some living in homes with dirt floors, while others were living in abusive homes where one parent would shave the head of the child to prevent the other parent from pulling any more of the child's hair out.  It was unbelievable to realize this abuse was happening practically in our own backyard.

I tell you this because today is considered Blue Sunday, a Day of Prayer for the victims of child abuse.  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1,570....that's
children DIED from child abuse and over 3 million others were also confirmed victims of child abuse in 2011.  How is it we never hear about these 3,001,570

Blue Sunday began over 14 years ago when 20 churches took time in during their worship service on the last Sunday in April (Child Abuse Prevention Month) to pray for the victims of child abuse and those who rescue them.  The effort has grown to include more than 2.5 million participants.  Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Initiative believes change can occur when working hand in hand with the faith community (churches) to raise awareness and bring relief for the victims of child abuse.  

Churches are encouraged to do the following:

* Pray for the children who are victims of child abuse
* Pray for those who rescue and serve abused children
* Pray for direction to become active participants in the battle against child abuse.

One way to become an active participant is for those of us working with children or youth within the church, to complete some or all of the 4 steps of the MinistrySafe Safety System.  Whether a full time or a part time volunteer, it is critical and mandatory we complete these steps and learn to identify victims of child abuse. 

So I encourage you to take a few quiet minutes today, just you and God on this Blue Sunday, and lift up those in prayer that are being abused even as you read this.    And don't forget to pray for those who rescue them......

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 
And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.”  (Matt. 18:4-5)

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