Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CHAPTER 1: Things I Am Thankful For

November 26, 2012



I really thought the neighborhood snakes were in the holed-up, dormant, hibernating mode at this point in the season.....W-R-O-N-G!!


Cause he adds so much "dimension" to my life.  For instance, Thanksgiving morning, we're relaxing, just having a cup of coffee and I say, "You know, it's such a shame there has to be an actual holiday every year to remind people to be thankful."  At which point, he chuckles and then says, "Well, when would you like to have this?"  I give him one of those silent "Liz Looks" that says "what planet did you just fall off of"...... followed by a "Well how about TODAY!"  He then chuckles again and says, "Ya right.....there's no way you could put that together today."  Enter another "Liz Look" followed by a "Huh??" with an exaggerated eye roll.  At which point he says, "Didn't you just tell me you wanted to have another wedding reception?"

Welcome to the Etheridge Home, folks.


Chuck and I have been blessed beyond words for friends like Georgia and Hal and their son Jeff; Troy and Becky; Lisa and Cheryl......cause they keep us fed, watered and centered.  We are are thankful, grateful and tickled pink to have these kindred spirits in our lives.....


And finally, as Thanksgiving Day came to a very full close and we tiredly crawled into bed; Chuck, Murphy, Molly, Kruger the 1-Claw cat and myself all snuggled into our queen sized bed for a peaceful nights rest when suddenly...BAMM.......Chuck's side of the bed broke......and he rolled out onto the floor.....and then Murphy.....and then Molly.....and then Kruger the 1-claw cat......

As I clung to my side of the bed to keep from rolling out too, I hear Chuck's voice on the floor say, "I guess I shouldn't have gone back for seconds."


Dan & Darlene said...

Liz, I am thankful for you and Chuck!!! you make me smile. We have sold our house in Denton and hopefully soon start some kind of construction on our lot at the lake sooooo maybe someday we will actually be neighbors.
Love you guys :)

Jack Wallace said...

Lol. Thanks for the “cheery” reflection.

DAvid said...

"I hope that was taken with a super telephoto lens."

Rikia said...

"Is that your porch, and is that a copper head???"