Sunday, March 31, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "My Ah-Ha Moment"

My AH-HA Moment

Do you remember your Ah-Ha Moment?  That moment when it was like someone suddenly turned the light on and Gods amazing grace became so absolutely, positively, 20/20 clear?  Do you remember that moment?  Maybe it happened to you at a young age; maybe it happened to you last year; or possibly you haven't experienced that moment yet.

After a lifetime of going to church and following the "rules", I had my "Ah-Ha" moment five years ago.  God and I had been getting up each morning, sharing a cup of coffee, sitting and chatting for awhile before cracking open His Word and studying......I had such a hunger to "get it" and He had such high hopes I would "get it".  Having grown up thinking I knew everything God wanted me to know, I was shocked to find I didn't know Him at all.  I knew all the usual stories about Him.....I knew He died, was raised from the dead and ascended into Heaven......but I didn't know Him.

It was during this time of year....Easter.....when that soft light inside of me started glowing.  It started out dim at first....low voltage.....but soon it was burning bright like a 120 watt bulb.  It was like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.  You always do the corners and sides first, then move on to the tough, meaty part of the puzzle that's the most difficult.  When you place that last puzzle piece in the middle and you stand back and look at the big picture, you can see it.  As I was reading and studying, I was putting the corner and side pieces of my relationship with Christ together; building the foundation so-to-speak.  Without this part, I couldn't have ever finished the middle, meaty part of our relationship.

I was realizing that
it wasn't about the "rules" wasn't about knowing all the Bible stories by wasn't about being perfect or constantly begging for mercy and forgiveness when I messed up.....NO....cause I was totally incapable of doing all of these things.  What I realized was that Christ came to release me from these heavy chains called life that kept me from getting to know Him.  I could finally breathe a deep breath and my world went from black and white to color in an instant.  

If we keep our eyes open, we can recognize these ah-ha moments as they happen.  And that "even a wretch like me can be saved......the hour I first chains were gone and I was set free.....unending love, Amazing Grace.....God, Who called me here below, will be forever mine."*

"I stood there saved: surprised to be loved!"
Ps. 18:19 (MSG)

GROWING SEEDS: "Parlow Renovation"

Guess Whose Getting A Make-Over?

That would be our very own Church Parlor.......also known as the Brides Room, Family Room and Classroom located next to the Crossroads Coffee Bar.

After 30 years of little to no changes made to it, the Crafty Ladies are heading up this project by hiring Mt. Pleasant building contractor, Charles Thomas, who has experience in church renovations, to complete the work.  They will be funding 100% of  the renovation of the room from their annual Bazaar Fund for a total of $17,995.  The first stage of this makeover will be the renovation of the room itself and should be complete within two weeks from start of construction with the second stage consisting of the new furnishings.

The Parlor Renovation Project was approved by the Finance Committee at their January 14, 2013 meeting after receiving prior approval from the Trustee Committee.  

Some of the makeover changes you will be seeing are:

* New french door entrance to Parlor from hall.
* Custom wood cabinetry on back wall to include a garment cabinet, granite countertops, mirror and recessed lights.
* Crown molding throughout room.
* Removal of popcorn ceiling with new texturing and repainting as well as new recessed lights.
* New carpet throughout
* Painting of all walls and trim in calming neutral colors

We will also be incorporating some of the old with the new.....The three Dean Teague paintings and large gold mirror that currently occupy the Parlor will continue to earn a place on the walls.

Be sure and thank the Crafty Ladies Committee Members, Becky Cook, Becky Arterbury, Jean Ann Marshall and Nikki Armstrong for overseeing this wonderful project that will benefit the entire church for many years to come.

GROWING SEEDS: "Victory Flows"

“I choose not to place “DIS”, in my ability.” 
Robert M. Hensel

VICTORY  (noun)
Success, triumph, conquest, win, favorable

FLOWS (verb)
Run, Course, Surge, Pour, Emerge

A family member who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly or disabled person.

When I was a kid, I was so preoccupied with my future....who I was going to marry, where I was going to live, what I would do for a living.....I thought about it every day.  In my mind, I had it all planned out.  I was going to marry a handsome dude with lots of hair, have 2 kids and live in downtown Dallas in a hi-rise condo just like Uncle Bill, Sissy, Buffy and Jody as well as Mr. French from "Family Affair".  It was going to be an "easy" life, I felt sure.

Turns out, I did indeed marry a handsome dude; a happily "bald" handsome dude, yes.....and a disease called endometriosis prevented me from having those 2 kids I had longed for.....and I don't live in a hi-rise condo in a noisy metropolitan area; I live in a quiet, surreal, slice of heaven called Mt. Vernon, Texas.

And in those same future childhood dreams, the term "Caregiver" never entered my mind.  But "Caregiver" is one of many descriptive words the Lord chose to use to DEFINE me.....hopefully with the same authority as loving wife, soul mate and best friend.  I am the wife of a man with Multiple Sclerosis.  A cruel disease that zaps the strength and feeling out of his body.  And as a doctor once said, "As his Caregiver, I, too have Multiple Sclerosis."  He is not living with Multiple Sclerosis affects everyone that loves and cares for him.  It affects us as if we, too, had this same horrible disease.

So when I met Cheryl Hood and learned of her amazing ministry called Victory Flows a little over a year ago, I was blown away.  I had never heard of a ministry that ministered to the "Caregivers" as well as the families and the individuals affected by the disability.  What a unqiue concept! 

The concept of Victory Flows is one of Fun and Freedom.....a day of informal rest and recreation....a diversion of sorts.....for the caregivers, family and the individual affected by the disability.  It's a chance for the Caregiver to be pampered or have some much needed quiet time and the family to spend some time catching their breath and playing. RESTING.

And as someone very familiar with the Caregiver role.....and a husband very familiar with the Disability role.....we know all too well the importance of Rest and Play.

Do you know someone who needs to Rest and Play?  If so, make sure they attend this amazing event.  It's FREE and its made for THEM......

"The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. 
Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. 
Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. 
Try this for a week and you will be surprised."
Norman Vincent Peale


You know you want to
Stop your Faux-Choir Singing in the Shower or the Car and join the REAL choir!  
The First United Methodist Church Choir!
Need a little convincing?  Here's a few perks to joining the FUMC Choir:
* You get to learn and sing new cool songs each week
* You get to wear a fashionable robe
* You get to take communion first
* You get to see who is at church a lot easier from the choir loft
* You get to see who dozed off in church
* You get to look at Betsy's smiling face
See?!  Not only do you get to enjoy these perks, but even better, you get the BLESSING that comes from singing and enjoying beautiful music......and doing it with other people who also enjoy and appreciate this same BLESSING.
Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. In addition to Sunday worship music, the Choir is preparing special music for Holy Week and Easter, so now is the PERFECT time to check it out.  
It's simple to join!
Contact Betsy Gekiere, Music Director at or (972)955-2026 and she'll be tickled pink to give you all the details.

"Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. 
And sing, sing your hearts out to God!"
Colossians 3:16b

Sunday, March 24, 2013

GROWING SEEDS - "Valentines Dinner"

"A bowl of vegetables with someone you love 
is better than steak with someone you hate." 
-- Proverbs 15:17 (NLT)

So....what are YOU doing for the one you love for Valentines Day?

Nothing says LOVE more than taking them to a nice, candlelit dinner and dance to show them how much you love and care for them.  And nothing expresses it better than helping a great cause while you're doing it.

On Sunday, February 10 at 6:00 pm, the Youth at FUMC are helping you make that happen.  They will be serving you a wonderful dinner, waiting on you hand and foot and watching as you and your sweetheart dance the night away.  

And "why" are the Youth doing this? 

To help them raise money which would enable them to go on their annual mission outreach trip to Ore City, Texas on June 9-15.  This is a working trip, folks....they will be building muscles not only by building wheelchair ramps, painting and repairing homes of the disadvantaged, but building muscles and strength in their own lives as well.  These youth are prepared to work hard for they can work hard for others.

How better can we show our appreciation for their commitment than to commit ourselves to being an active participant in the Valentines Dinner and Dance Mission Fund Raiser?

for you ladies who prefer a "Girls Night Out" of dining and dancing, this is the place to be!  
Grab as many of your girlfriends as you can and give those couples 
a run for their money on the dance floor!  
I know who you are....I've seen you dance.....

Reserve your spot on the dance floor NOW.


God Loves His PEEPS

Growing up, my parents made sure we were at church every time the doors were open.  And although our church believed in Easter and gave the usual Easter sermon, the only lead-up to Easter weekend in our home was a new white dress, new frilly hat and new shiny shoes.  

Oh.......and let's not forget the dyed hard boiled eggs.

How sad.

As an adult, I find Easter a mixed bag of fluffy bunnies and candy Peeps that compete for attention with the story of a young man being tortured to death so I could live forever.  Ya, I heard the story a hundred times over the course of my life, but did I "really" understand?  Did I "know" this young man that gave His life for me?  Or was it all about the dress?
Unfortunately, it was all about the dress for me growing up.  I shake my head, roll my eyes and beg for forgiveness when I think about my old priorities.  I only learned to "fear" God growing up.....I didn't actually get to know His Son and appreciate the sacrifice they both made for a well dressed little girl with a new hat and shoes who had a basketful of candy and dyed eggs in her hands. 

So sad.....

BUT now....... I "get" it.  I truly get it.  I don't believe it was any accident that Christ died and rose again in the Spring.....when, after the long hard winter, the earth warming up, the birds busy making nests and singing and the first of the year's flowers coming to life, that He also rose like a beautiful new daffodil pushing through the hard, dormant earth releasing new life again.  But this time, those daffodils called humankind, will never die when winter comes, so long as they never look away from the Son.  

That's the key to life.  

Never take your eyes off Him.....because like a flower without a gardener, you will wither and die without the individual care that only He, the Master Gardner, can give to each of us.

Springtime is a second chance for a NEW BEGINNING.......a second chance at PRIORITIES; a second chance to "GET IT RIGHT".  He died so we could have an undeserved second chance at ETERNITY with Him in a beautiful garden full of a magical new species of daffodils in brand new colors we've never seen before.  

Forget the dress; it's all about ETERNITY.

"Lead a life of love, just as Christ did. 
He loved us. 
He gave himself up for us. 
He was a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God." 
Ephesians 5:2

GROWING SEEDS: "Prayer Shawl"

"God's Residence"

One of my most common prayers to pray when I'm feeling particuarly anxious or fearful  is "Father, wrap those big loving arms around me and still my fears.....and Father, if I'm too rattled to feel Your big strong arms around me, them smack me over the head with that shepherd's crook of Yours to get my attention."  

It works every time.  

Pretty soon, I'm feeling this amazing peace and warmth surrounding almost hyper-ventilating breaths slow down and my brain cells start lining up to where my thought processes make sense again.  Sometimes I think I can actually hear God saying to me, "Really??  We're doing this AGAIN?"  But then I see Him smiling, shaking His head in a familiar way and saying, almost under His breath, "Ok, I'll remind you AGAIN that I'm walking two steps ahead of You; clearing the path of things that cause you to stumble and fall. I'm here.....right here.....can't you feel my heartbeat against yours?"

And every time I see those beautiful Prayer Shawls draped over select pews in the sanctuary, I can't help but think of them as God's arms wrapped around my shoulders, warming me, protecting me.....calming me.  I am constantly blown away by the many gifts our church has working within its walls.  Because I can't sew a button on a shirt without assistance, I am in awe of those woman who tirelessly make shawl after shawl to be the arms of God wrapping around those in need.  

Have you ever been in the hospital and had someone bring you a special, familiar blanket from home that you can hold tightly to your chest?  Remember how comforting that felt?  It most likely immediately slowed down your anxious heart rate, brought a smile to your face and reminded you of the love that went into making that special blanket.  Well, that's the way it is with Gods Prayer Shawls.  The loving hands that made each one of them, were themselves made and blessed by God.  As the last stitch is made on each shawl, it is prayed over.  It was commissioned by the One who made you, to bring you comfort and peace.  

Moses wore it to his funeral.  David wore one on the day he fought Goliath and Daniel wore one as he went into the lion's den.  Jesus wore His prayer shawl as He went into the darkness of Gethsemane and He will wear it again when he returns.  And did you know that the Prayer Shawl was part of the resurrection of Jesus (John 20:6-7)?  It was gently folded in the corner of the empty tomb.  

So next time you walk past a Prayer Shawl at church, reach down and touch it with your fingers and feel the stitches that God made to remind us of His presence during the difficult times......and say a prayer of Thankfulness for these Mary and Martha's in our church who answer the call to make them.

"Even when the way goes through Death Valley, 
I'm not afraid when You walk at my side.  
Your trusty shepherd's crook makes me feel secure."  
Psalm 23:4

Saturday, March 23, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: February Newsletter

"I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, 
plans to give you the future you hope for."  
Jeremiah 29:11 
The Message
I remember when I was a teenager, I desperately dreamed of  "seeing" and "knowing" my future.  I wanted to know where I'd be when I was 30; 50; 70 years old......Who would I marry?  How many kids would I have?  What would my life be like?  I actually dreamed of having a "time tunnel" to see my future.
Unfortunately, my teenage "time tunnel" didn't include the assurance that God was in control of my life cause, at that time, I was sure I could handle it on my own and didn't need His help.  And this feeling continued well into my 30's.  I remember shortly after getting married, I hoped God wouldn't come.......YET.......cause life was going too well.  My marriage was wonderful; I had everything I could ever want or hope for; my life was the best it had ever been.  If God could just wait a little while longer before returning, I'd be ever so appreciative!
I shutter to think I actually felt that way.  But I did.
Time and age have a unique way of teaching us; showing us that there is so much more to our future than what our every day lives bring to the table.  I found that once I stopped focusing my eyes on tomorrow or looking back at yesterday and instead, lifted my chin upwards peering into the face of God, this "perfect" life here on earth was't what I longed for afterall.  What I longed for was my amazing eternal life.....I long to take walks on a super cool road made of gold; I long to lay in grass that won't get grass stains on my brilliantly white heavenly robe, amongst colorful daisies in colors that we haven't yet discovered.......I long to hear God tell me a joke. 
I read somewhere recently the following: "You're only one heartbeat away from eternity.  Everything you have - your life, your breath, this moment, it's all borrowed and it's all a gift.  At any moment, it all ends with a heartbeat.   Just one heartbeat and there's no more time.  One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone.  One heartbeat and there's no more choosing; it's all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.  If you don't choose to be saved, then you've chosen not to be saved.  Your life and your all rests on one heartbeat.  And what will you do on the Day of Judgement?"
So.......are our eyes focused on Earth or on Eternity?

Sunday, March 17, 2013


"Give, and it will be given to you.  
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over,
will be put into your lap.
For with the measure you use, 
it will be measured back to you."
Luke 6:38

(United Methodist Women = Disciple-ETTES)

My first UMW meeting was several years ago before I ever joined the Methodist Church.  My neighbor invited me to go with her one warm summer evening to a lady named Doylene's house just up the road.  I had no idea what to expect; was this a Ladies Bible Study group.....or was it a social gathering of women from the Methodist church?  Turns out, it was a form of both!

At that time, I couldn't have even told you what UMW stood for (United Methodist Women) much less what they did.  But in the years since, I have learned that these women are "Disciple-ettes" of themselves for the greater good of those in need.  They meet once a month, enjoying a guest speaker, homemade snacks and discussing ways to meet the needs of their community.  These women give tirelessly of themselves just as Jesus did.....from feeding local college teens to helping women's shelters, they are the "go-to" ladies of our church.

Interestingly, UMW is the largest denominational faith organization for women in the world.  I don't know about you, but for me, that says volumns about the women of the United Methodist Church.  It boldly shows these women have the heart of Mary and the hands of Martha working for them.

The Mount Vernon UMW is a prominent sign in our East Texas community and is currently working on several amazing projects. 


This past week, the Mt. Vernon UMW just completed making Easter Bags to pass out to the Holy Highway Girls Home.   A non-denominational Christian home and private school on a working farm in Pickton, Texas, they assist girls aged 12-17 overcome rebellion, substance abuse, personal abuse and emotional frustration.  Because it is a non-profit, the Mt. Vernon UMW help treat the girls to things they might otherwise not have.

Every year, the Mt. Vernon UMW serves lunch to the Wesleyan Campus Ministries students at the Texas A&M Commerce campus.  In addition to preparing and serving this meal, they visit and instill in these students the comfort of knowing the Methodist church is standing with them during this life-changing time in their lives.  On April 11, they will be loading up the van and heading to Commerce with homemade food to serve to these fine young adults.

If you are interested in joining the Mt. Vernon UMW, or just need more information on this amazing group of  "Disciple-ettes", contact either Kathy Gutschlag (903-860-2206) or Jeanie Pamplin (903-305-8023).

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "The Giving Tree"

Once there was a tree....
and she loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come
and he would gather her leaves
and make them into crowns
and play king of the forest.
He would climb up her trunk
and swing from her branches
and eat apples.
And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
And when he was tired,
he would sleep in her shade.
And the boy loved the tree....
very much.
And the tree was happy.
But time went by.
And the boy grew older.
And the tree was often alone.
Then one day the boy came to the tree
and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and
climb up my trunk and swing from my
branches and eat apples and play in my
shade and be happy."
"I am too big to climb and play" said
the boy.
"I want to buy things and have fun.
I want some money?"
"I'm sorry," said the tree, "but I
have no money.
I have only leaves and apples.
Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in
the city. Then you will have money and
you will be happy."
And so the boy climbed up the
tree and gathered her apples
and carried them away.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time....
and the tree was sad.
And then one day the boy came back
and the tree shook with joy
and she said, "Come, Boy, climb up my trunk
and swing from my branches and be happy."
"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.
"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.
"I want a wife and I want children,
and so I need a house.
Can you give me a house ?"
" I have no house," said the tree.
"The forest is my house,
but you may cut off
my branches and build a
house. Then you will be happy."

And so the boy cut off her branches
and carried them away
to build his house.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time.
And when he came back,
the tree was so happy
she could hardly speak.
"Come, Boy," she whispered,
"come and play."
"I am too old and sad to play,"
said the boy.
"I want a boat that will
take me far away from here.
Can you give me a boat?"
"Cut down my trunk
and make a boat," said the tree.
"Then you can sail away...
and be happy."
And so the boy cut down her trunk
and made a boat and sailed away.
And the tree was happy
... but not really.

And after a long time
the boy came back again.
"I am sorry, Boy,"
said the tree," but I have nothing
left to give you -
My apples are gone."
"My teeth are too weak
for apples," said the boy.
"My branches are gone,"
said the tree. " You
cannot swing on them - "
"I am too old to swing
on branches," said the boy.
"My trunk is gone, " said the tree.
"You cannot climb - "
"I am too tired to climb" said the boy.
"I am sorry," sighed the tree.
"I wish that I could give you something....
but I have nothing left.
I am just an old stump.
I am sorry...."
"I don't need very much now," said the boy.
"just a quiet place to sit and rest.
I am very tired."
"Well," said the tree, straightening
herself up as much as she could,
"well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting
Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."
And the boy did.
And the tree was happy.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "Prodigal Son"

"While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; 
he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."  
Luke 15:20

I just love the story of the Prodical Son.  For the longest, my heart went out to the older brother who stayed home, worked hard and didn't cause his father any trouble......cause at one time, that was me.

When I was a teenager, my older brother who was 17, was enrolled in a church boarding school 10 hours away when he found himself in a heap of trouble.  I won't go into what he did, but suffice it to say, he got kicked out of school.  While he was driving himself the 500 miles home, my mother and father were busy making a gigantic sign to place in the yard that said "Welcome Home, Son".  When I drove up in my Chevy Vega from school that day and saw that sign, I was furious.  I couldn't understand why my parents were welcoming this good-for-nothing, troublemaker prodical son of their's, home with open arms.  They barely acknowledged me; they just continued looking out the front window for him to drive up.  I just didn't get it.

Many years later while talking to my Dad about this incident, I asked him why he welcomed my brother home without even a hint of anger and disgust.  I'll never forget how he looked up, as if his mind was rewinding back to that time, and told me that he and Mom were so afraid that James would not return home that night...they feared they might never see or hear from him again.  They wanted to make sure he knew how loved he was even with the mistakes he had made.....and he was forgiven.

It was a modern day Prodical Son story.  I admire my folks 1000x more now than I did then cause, you see, my brother turned out to be one of the most spiritual people I've ever doubt because of the love and forgiveness of that day many years ago. 

And a book I'm sure we've all read to our children and grandchildren at some time, says it even better than I can and goes something like this:


Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away.
So he said to his mother, “I am running away.”
“If you run away,” said his mother, “I will run after you.
For you are my little bunny.”

“If you run after me,” said the little bunny,
“I will become a fish in a trout stream 
and I will swim away from you.”

“If you become a fish in a trout stream,” said his mother,
“I will become a fisherman and I will fish for you.”

“If you become a fisherman,” said the little bunny,
“I will become a rock on the mountain, high above you.”

“If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,”
said his mother, “I will become a mountain climber,
and I will climb to where you are.”

“If you become a mountain climber,”
said the little bunny,
“I will be a crocus in a hidden garden.”

“If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,”
said his mother, “I will be a gardener. And I will find you.”

“If you are a gardener and find me,”
said the little bunny, “I will be a bird
and fly away from you.”

“If you become a bird and fly away from me,”
said his mother, “I will be a tree that you come home to.”

“If you become a tree,” said the little bunny,
“I will become a little sailboat,
and I will sail away from you.”

“If you become a sailboat and sail away from me,”
said his mother, “I will become the wind
and blow you where I want you to go.”

“If you become the wind and blow me,” said the little bunny,
“I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.”

“If you go flying on a flying trapeze,” said his mother,
“I will be a tightrope walker,
and I will walk across the air to you.”

“If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air,”
said the bunny, “I will become a little boy
and run into a house.”

“If you become a little boy and run into a house,”
said the mother bunny, “I will become your mother
and catch you in my arms and hug you.”

“Shucks,” said the bunny, “I might just as well
stay where I am and be your little bunny.”

And so he did.
“Have a carrot,” said the mother bunny.

Thank God we have a Father who will go to the ends of the earth to forgive us, love us and welcome us home.