Sunday, May 19, 2013

GROWING SEEDS -" Pentecost Sunday"

"Birthday of the Christian Church"

What is Pentecost Sunday?  I'm embarrassed to admit I wasn't completely sure.  Growing up in a non-traditional Christian church, I never remember EVER celebrating Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came upon the people and birthed the Christian Church.   But here, in our precious Methodist Church and most Christian churches throughout the world, this Sunday is of great importance and celebration!  It's a birthday far greater than our own's the day, according to Acts 2:2, "When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them."

So, answer the questions below and see how much YOU know about Pentecost Sunday.  (Hint: Read Acts 2:1)

1)  What Christian holiday does the holiday of Pentecost follow? _____________

2)  How many days after Jesus ascended into Heaven did the disciples celebrate Pentecost? _______

3)  While everyone was gathered together in a room celebrating the feast, what sound was heard all around them? _______________

4)  What happened to the disciples when the Holy Spirit entered them? _____________

5)  Which one of Jesus' disciples took the opportunity to stand up and speak to the crowd of people? ________________

6)  In Acts 2:21, what did Peter say would happen to those that call upon the Lord? ___________

7)  Who did Peter describe in Acts 2:25 as sitting at the right hand of God? ____________

8)  In what city did this first Pentecostal celebration take place? __________________

This Spirit.....that lives inside each one of us as God's very LIFE, BREATH and ENERGY.  It's like He lit that same flame He placed above each of the disciples' heads that day 2000 years ago, inside each of us the minute we accepted His grace and believed.  

And how magnificent that no fire extinguisher out there; no person, no thing....can douse the flame of the Holy Spirit burning brightly inside of each of us today!

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