Sunday, July 28, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "Our Church Family"

The strangest thing happened last week at church.  

For the first time, I noticed that most everyone around me was my neighbor. next door neighbor.  Three rows ahead of me, were our neighbors Dr. Charlie and Annette Rutherford who live just down the road from us.  Four rows ahead of us to the left were our neighbors Jack and Jackie Carlson who also live in our neighborhood but down the road in the opposite direction.  Up in the choir loft were our neighbors Troy and Becky Arterbury who live 3 doors down from us.  I could go on and on but you get the idea.

Chuck and I moved to Mt. Vernon about 10 years ago from Dallas.  We both lived in big cities our entire lives and never do I recall going to the same church as my neighbors.  It was always two separate worlds that, quite honestly, I didn't want combined.  I liked it that way.  I didn't want the same people I went to church with knowing my business outside of church.  

But why??  

As I looked around last week, I had the "warmest and fuzziest" feeling come over me.  These people, our neighbors who I see in shorts on Saturday and a suit on Sunday, are our family.  FAMILY.  They eat with us, they shop with us, they come over in their PJ's for coffee in the mornings, they pick up eggs and milk for us at the store, they help us when we fall, they cry with us in our sad moments and they LOVE on us.  It was almost like an epiphany.  This is how it SHOULD be........

How was it I never saw this before?  

As I was reading the scripture for today, I feel sure it wasn't much different for the congregation in Colosse in Paul's time.  Matter of fact, Paul starts Colossians with this, "We are writing to God's holy people in the city of Colosse, who are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ."  See?  They're family!  Just like we are.....

Look around you......go ahead, I'll wait.........

The folks sitting two rows in front of you may not live next door to you, but they are YOUR neighbor....they are YOUR brother and sister.....they are YOUR family.  What a blessing.....a GIFT.....God has given each of us to share a pew with our neighbor and family.  What a gift indeed!!

"Strong Churches Don't Make Strong Families.....
Strong Families Make Strong Churches"
Dr. Tim Kimmel

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