Sunday, September 15, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "How To Live Through The Hard Days"


Sometimes, even right before it really begins, you know how the week’s going to go.

Yep, it's been one of those kind of weeks.  But as I sit here, watching the sun come up in the most beautiful shade of pinks and reds, I am  brought to my knees in thankfulness for the difficult times.  For these times remind us that without these messy days....the day-to-day struggles....the wreck I see when I look in the mirror and the fact that I'll never get it all right, I am reminded of Ann VosKamp's words, "Christianity is the only hope for this broken world, because there's no other way for the broken to get the Nails they need to rebuild."  And trust me when I say "I need a LOT of nails"!

You all know what I'm talking about.  We've all experienced those days, weeks, months maybe even years, where it was hard to see the pinks and reds of a sunrise and be thankful.  Each day rolled into the next and "Joy" appeared to have taken a vacation without us.  

But I am constantly reminded that when we know Christ, we always know how things are going to go.....always for our good and always for His glory.....even when it doesn't "feel" like it.  Have you ever heard people say, "God's will never gives you more than you can handle"?  I say "HAAAA"!!  I truly believe that God absolutely, purposely, deliberately gives us more than we can handle, because it is when we throw in the towel to Him and He takes over, that He proves Himself by doing the impossible in our lives.

And as I glance back out to the sunrise this morning, I see the Sun's reflection on everything it touches......the trees, the grass, the lake, my dead thirsty flowers and I am thankful.  Thankful that God only allows pain if He's allowing something new to be born.

"I'll be with you as you do this, DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY, right up to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20

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