Sunday, September 1, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "Stained Glass Window of Your Life"

Can you see through the stained glass window of your life?  Do you see the light of God shining brightly through that window, illuminating your path ahead or is it dark behind the stained glass pieces, causing you to stumble on the rocks of life?

When I was young, the church my family attended had a large stained glass window over the baptistery behind the pulpit and was of a picture of Jesus holding a lamb.  I was always mesmerized by that stained glass window and was more touched staring at it, than any sermon I ever heard growing up there.  But I noticed once that looking at it during the day, with the sunlight reflecting the stained pieces of glass to form the image, was just the opposite of seeing it at night.  At night, the image disappeared and all you were left with was just a black void.  I always felt something was missing at the nighttime services.

Do you see the Light reflecting the Shepherd in "your" life, protecting you from the wolves as you walk this, often times, difficult path called life?  Is the Light shining behind the commandment-stained-glass guiding and directing you?  Is the Light shining in the Bible-stained-glass a light on your pathway? 

I had the opportunity this past week to visit the old Mt. Vernon First United Methodist Church on Kaufman St. with Marcy Yates and see the stained glass windows from years gone by.  I found it interesting that the families of that church back then honored their deceased loved ones by purchasing a stained glass window with their name on it.  It was the stained glass window of their life.....

I, personally, want the shards of my stained glass life to read as Jewel Joyce's did on one of those windows.  It read, "What A Beautiful Life She Lived".  

The vision that makes the stained glass shards of your life depends on whether you see light or dark behind the window.

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