Thursday, January 21, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 14

 January 21, 2016

Ugly Beautiful.

I heard this phrase from one of my favorite writers, Ann Voskamp, several years ago.  "Ugly Beautiful".  I've never forgotten that. It's all about us not changing WHAT we see....only the WAY we see.

A week ago today, FEMA showed up at whats left of our house.  The Water District manager had given me wonderful news earlier in the week that it looked VERY good that FEMA was going to help everyone on the lake financially with their flood repairs.  He sounded so sure when he stood next to the FEMA dude and said it once again in my kitchen this day last week.  The help would have covered almost 1/2 of our out-of-pocket repair costs.

I tried not to get my hopes up......I know how these things can go.

And in a crowded Water District Meeting room on Tuesday night, this same man said, "Sorry, no FEMA help is coming." I felt immediately ill as I sat in this filled-to-capacity room of upset homeowners.  Had I been able to weave through the standing room only people, I would have gone outside and thrown up.  It was like reliving the flood all over again.  Every nerve-ending in my body was standing up electrocuting my insides.

I had gotten my hopes up.

Life Goes On.......Ugly Beautiful.

And so for today, I CHOOSE to focus on the beautiful.  The beautiful friends who dressed up in crazy PJ Onesies and pigtails and wigs and Mardi Gras beads for an elegant candlelight dinner they had prepared for us cause they knew we needed beautiful among our ugly right now.

And the Beautiful they showered on us...

And the Beautiful man God entrusted in my care as he struggles with infection, weakness and weight- loss smack in the middle of all the ugly.

 And dumpster man named Raymond who let me run the dumpster controls on his truck just to add a little "beauty" into my life.....

 And the Beauty I see here, at the Dump, cause the ugly part of our house is now HERE and not THERE and someday will be beautiful once again....

The beauty of the Wonder Woman bracelet my friend "loaned" me for such a time as this.....cause it helps to repel the ugly of this chapter in our lives.....

And the Beauty of our church......which is more than a is a place where Ugly isn't allowed....a "safe" place of peace to come and be thankful...grateful.....and filled full.

 Ugly Beautiful.  It's all about us not changing WHAT we see....only the WAY we see.


Israel said...

It is wonderful to know that our God is always there for his kids. Blessings.


Lulu said...

God Bless u. Too much is too much. Do u feel empathy for Job ? U n Chuck n all ur flooded friends r in my prayers n God Bless all your wonderful friends who r there for you. Sending LOVE N PRAYERS

Israel said...

Often times I find myself feeling the pain for those that are going through it, and I am sure the reason for that is because we are all family through
the blood of Jesus, and if one member is in pain we all feel it.


Jeanne said...

I think of you often, Liz, and pray all will be back to normal soon. I don’t know about you, but I keep having to “re-define” what normal is in my life!

Anonymous said...

Once again you humble me with your words. I can't say I know how you feel because I haven't had to live through this only through what my daughter has had to suffer through for year after year. I really want to cry when I read your blog.
I have prayed for you and my other friends that are living through misery right now because of an over abundance of rain and thought that our government surely would help. I read that Judge Lee said he needed 800 people to ask for help to get disaster relief and that he had only "a few" people so far.
Just know that your friends love you and Chuck and whatever they can do to help, they will. I know your church has come to your aid and many more, God bless.

Kathy said...

Oh, Liz. This is PERFECTLY written and your heart must be bruised, bent all to heck, but not broken....completely. It is a BEAUTIFUL heart right in the middle of the UGLY mud in your life right now. I hadn't heard about Chuck. I hope he's okay...what stress on both of you. I pray for you and Chuck every time I think of you, which is often. You're getting your 'Masters' degree in 'something....perseverance, HOPE, and in BEAUTY. Hang in there, girlfriend. I love you, Kathy

Deawn G. said...

I'm so sorry, Liz. Did FEMA offer an explanation? Sending prayers and hugs

Laurie Pace said...

Can you not appeal?

Kristi Key said...

Thinking of you

Laurie said...

That does suck. We need to be pushing your set up account for more donations. A good community and church can help her. Many families can give in small amounts to help cover things. In the old days we did not have the govt doing all this stuff anyway... it was our neighbors, churches etc. It was the churches that cared for foster children or orphans... NOT the govt. God has a plan and there has to be a way around this working with all the families affected. Fundraisers etc.

Mandy said...

Praying for you and your sweet husband this morning.
I know you have had another hard week. I love this reminder today that man does not control the circumstances in my life - in your life. Even when it appears they do. Our God controls every big and small thing - working it together for our good and His glory.
I am watching to see how He is going to work this for your good and His awesome glory.
He will
He promised

I love you! Keep running the race He has set before you. You can do it!!