Monday, January 4, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 7

January 3, 2016

 Yesterday....Chuck and I took a day of rest.  A Sabbath really.

We headed to church.  A place we desperately needed and wanted to be.....a place we could catch our breath and be still.  And as we stood there singing "How Great Thou Art", I meant those words like never before: 

"O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed."

It was a week ago, at this very moment, we were being helped out of our flooded home by our neighbors.  It feels like a hundred years ago...that moment....that incredibly long dark night where I sat in the bed with my husband, our cat Kruger, our dog Molly and we waited.

We waited as we heard the water coming in under the walls, under the doors, under the floor like it was pure evil flowing slowly into and invading our space.  I could hear it knocking things over in other parts of the house; I could hear the floor burping and gurgling beneath me.....and I turned the Cindy Crawford Infomercial up louder so I didn't have to hear it and I prayed....Fervently.

And it was no accident my friend Jill handed me a book this week titled "Fervent" by Priscilla Shirer that she had been reading.

"Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth.
It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all his ploys against you."
Priscilla Shirer

And I'm keeping my kryptonite in my pocket today....and every we head into a new week of unknowns.  Of restoration.....reconstruction....debt.  It simply takes the word "Hello God" to open that portal to heaven, I've learned.....and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be whispering those words a lot in the coming days and months ahead. 

Yes....I'll be praying Fervently....and I can't wait....let me say that again...I CAN'T see what God has in store for us. 


Israel said...

Liz, I can not even imagine how hard it has been for you and Chuck. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God:
I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou has done it: and I will wait on thy name,
for it is good before thy saints. Psalm 52:8,9

Stu said...

Liz and Chuck,
I have been praying for you both, and all other victims of the flooding, for this last week. I am so pleased that you were able to share your story in words and pictures. To be honest I could see this as a book in the future. Seeing the beam being used at the fringe so tent door and all of the help you are receiving just puts a huge smile on my face. You both give so much of yourselves that seeing you receive in return shows me how God blesses you, and all of us, during those times that we are being tested. Your faith and friends are so strong and everyone has a smile on their face when facing the tasks at your house. Not fun wringing out everything or using a wet vac but they all smile. Some time I do want to come out to East Texas and see the community there. I am sure the future will be beautiful and bright with friends like you have and with God’s blessings.
Take care,

Joy said...

My prayers are with you and Chuck. What wonderful neighbors you have. I had no idea until today that you had been hit. What a mess for everyone. I have been off work for 2 months and didn’t get the info until today when I was checking my work e-mails. Wish I was there to help you. Take care and I will be praying for all to work out for you. God is wonderful and he will see you thru all this I am sure. Hang in there and know I am thinking of you and sweet Chuck. Later.
