Thursday, January 7, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 9

January 7, 2015

We've learned through this experience the importance to laugh often in the face of tragedy.  Laughter keeps us an insane situation. 

A few days ago as we were tagging what was salvagable and what wasn't, we noticed the garage refrigerator we have had for over 20 years wasn't working.  After all, it had been in 2 feet of water for quite awhile.  All the food in the freezer was thawed and desperately needing to be thrown out, which just about killed Chuck as he watched his beloved Schwann's prepared foods get tossed in the trash.

Ummmm.....turns out.......we had unplugged the garage fridge before the storm and forgot to plug it back in.  It's actually working just fine.  Empty now.....but working!

I was the only one laughing about that......

And then there was the evening when Jennifer (daughter-in-law), Bella and Brie (granddaughters) and I used the propane heater in the living room we were using to dry out the floors, as a campfire to roast marshmellows.  Yes...the marshmellows had a slight wonky taste to them, but they sure were good after a long day of moving furniture.

 And just the other day, my friends Phyllis and John Gandy gave me the gift of an afternoon away from sheet rock dust and bare floors and walls by taking me up in their plane to "get away" from earth for awhile.  We flew to the heavens and watched as earth went on without us.  It was a much needed mini-vacation away from reality for simply too short a time......

 And friends, here's the reality of our lives right now.......I took this video the morning after we evacuated from the house.  I am beyond grateful to our neighbors Becky Arterbury and Larry Adams for helping us in our time of need.  There are no words......

 Click on Video Above


Kathy Rachal said...

Beautifully done, Liz, and from your heart. It's hard for any of us to fathom what you've been through ~ that your home has been inundated with such yucky-ness!God's spirit still lives there....much like He lives in the midst of all of our own yucky-ness ~ giving us hope for better days ahead. Sorrow only makes the bright days brighter and builds faith. I'd say you and Chuck have had yours tested. I know I couldn't have handled this as bravely as you have...or made it as entertaining!

My heart goes out to you as you see your home being dismantled and cleaned up...all the lovely items being tossed out in the dumpster (with Chuck's food). I can't wait to see how God brings goodness out of this. I know you are extremely touched by all the friends and even strangers who have come to comfort you, rescue you and bless you with acts of love. I also know that you'd be right there for any of us too. I choose to believe that He is preparing you for something greater than you have ever imagined. Keep on keeping the faith....and your head above water. I love you.

Liz Hurt said...

Your video captures it all - the horror, the waters that cannot be held back, the devastation, and the rising trust in the only One who can make any sense out of it all. He has kept your heads above water and will continue to - no matter what. I bow before Him, not understanding, but trusting. I will be home soon and hopefully can do something to help. You have been in my prayers continually. Liz

Cheryl said...

Sweetheart - Oceans is one of my favorite devotion songs . However I will now think about it so differently as I pray and feel your video in so many ways. Tears just poured down as I listened to the precious words and watched the waters moving and debris floating everywhere . Thank you for sharing your gift of photography /video and the song to really allow me to be in your world and feel every splash , every eyeful of the ravages of nature . I pray that progress is being made and your heart is lighter although I know there are hard months ahead . I am so glad you were able to escape to the air and leave earth and the work here for a bit .
I love you !

Pat Sayers said...

So are you saying there is hope for our garage frig? We did not unplug ours:(

Ellen said...

Wow. Etheridge Lake. Glad it is gone and hope that will never happen again. BTW, what is that song. I want to download. Y'all keep keeping your heads up! Love ya! Ellen

Lulu said...

Horrible devastation I am so sorry.

Cathy said...

Ok I'm truly speeches my dear friend ! I heard this song today on way to a lunch appt and was thinking it should be dedicated to you and Chuck , what a testimony you are to all of us

Mary Thompson said...

This was hard to watch, I love that you lift up God in the storms ! Without Him we are nothing !

Donya Barker said...

Still praying for you and Chuck...

Phyllis & John said...

Love you so much my beautiful God sent friend! I'm am so glad you captured the devastating damage of the flood waters. As I wept watching this video...I was reminded once again of your powerful anointing Liz, truly a gift from God! The way you use video and music to share your soul is incredible...Thank you!!!
What I have learned in my walk with the Lord is the bigger the storm the more powerful the miracle and blessings to follow! Lifting you, Chuck and Molly up during this storm, nonstop!

Unknown said...

Liz, nobody, absolutely nobody can imagine the horror of your house flooding until they see this video. My heart hurts for you and Chuck, but I know you will rise above it with grace.

Jeanne said...


Launda said...

Hey Liz! Are you ready for me to send you a trail pack of Thrive? I know you're going to love it!! Let me know! have a great Friday!!
Oh Liz!! I don't know how I missed the 'adventure' you and Chuck have had in the last few weeks. We were out of town much of the holidays and although we have heard about and seen some pictures of the lake on FB, I never realized that your home was effected. I came across one of the 'chapters' you had written about your experiences and was devastated for you. But I also wanted to say thank you! Thank you for sharing your faith and letting your light shine during the darkest times. Thanks for not letting the devil win! Our Lord is so good! I will add my prayers for total and complete restoration of your home and blessings to you for being so faithful! Much love, Launda

Debbie said...

Tears flow as I see and feel memories of deployments, engagements, weddings, birthdays, holidays and Mom. I'm so blessed to share these memories with you my sister and best friend. In all things God be praised