Friday, April 15, 2016

When Satan Attacks

It was around this time two years ago, Chuck and I were preparing to move into yet another neighbor's house while our house was being rebuilt from damage caused from a 350-year flood.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, my husband was also noticing various signs that we eventually discovered were cancer.  Serious cancer.  

"Why?  Haven't we been through enough this year?"I remember asking God at the time.

Fear would grip me most every morning at 2:00 am.  It felt like a full scale Satan attack we were in and I prayed (and cried) harder than I have ever prayed (and cried) before or since. I felt completely helpless, hopeless and scared.

"He said to them, "Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?"
Luke 24:38

I wrote scriptures of Hope and Peace and Faith everywhere....on my wrist, sticky notes on the Jeep dash and yes, all over our wall studs and sub floor.  I needed that constant reassurance that the attacks on our lives had more to do with who we might be in the future than who we were right then.  During the day, I could "see" the enemy was shooting arrows of distraction at us....wanting us to doubt....wanting us to remember the fear of that fateful day when we huddled in the bed listening to the water entering in and feeling the battle going on underneath us.  But at night, Fear continually whispered in my ear that I must have done something to deserve this.

And then I remembered reading these words, "The enemy does not attack you according to your history...he attacks you according to your destiny."

It's so easy to let the deceptive thoughts of Satan tell us we deserve what we're going through....that we must have done something to anger God and this was our punishment.  But friends, God is a God of love.....and Satan doesn't care about your past....he cares about your future.  He knows you better than you know yourself.  He sees patterns, he sees things you do when no ones looking....and oh, he's so strategic. 

So if you find yourself in the middle of the battlefield with Satan and his friends Fear and Doubt,  your best defense...your best to bend those knees, lift those eyes upwards and remember....

NO ONE launches that kind of attack on someone they are not threatened by

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