Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day 3: A Roberto-Kind-of-Day

DAY 3:  January 30, 2017

Today......I had a sunrise with coffee, thank-you-very-much.  

But there was this one, itsy, bitsy black cloud that was hanging over the ship......and that one little black cloud caused all water excursions in Cozumel to be canceled.  Yep.......we had nothing to do today. 

The plan originally had been to go scuba diving.......Now lets stop right there.  Liz has never been scuba diving.  Liz wears glasses for a reason.  Liz was thinking the water was probably very cold.  Basically, Liz was just a tid-bit concerned 30 minutes of scuba training, with no glasses in very cold water might not be the most fun thing to do while in Cozumel.  I "think" I might have even mentioned this in my morning prayer journal and I "might" have asked God if He could find something else for us to do today. 

And He did.

He hooked us up with Roberto.......a divorced, Catholic, Father-of-an-11-year-old-daughter-he-hasn't-seen-in-years, Mexican cab driver who doesn't know why Catholics pray to the Virgin Mary (yes, I asked...), who graciously drove Debbie and I all over the island for the day.  FUN!!    He also has a sign on his mirror that says, "Tippers Go To Heaven".  Yep....we learned a lot about Roberto. 

He took us to the other side of the island where there is no electricity....just generators.  I bet most of you Cozumel travelers didn't know that, did you?  That's cause you didn't hire Roberto to take you to the other side of the island.....just sayin'....

He took us to the "Naked Beach" where you get 5 free minutes of a beach massage (after paying for an hour).....

where you can swing from these "not-so-safe" swings that look like they've been through a hurricane or two.....or sixteen.....

where birds bite.....(this is the English version of Spanish)....

and they make grasshoppers out of grass.....(now THAT makes sense.....GRASShoppers = GRASS)....My acridophobia (fear of grasshoppers) was on high alert and a bit creeped out......(it's REAL, people!)...

And ugly iguana's with cowboy hats that could be held and kissed for $5.....

.....we also laughed on top of sharp lava rock about the wall that was fixing to be built in Mexico.....

and then we posed, with the help of Roberto, with the massively blue ocean behind us and white sand beneath us. REST.....it's highly under-rated and by-the-way, have I mentioned lately how much I love my sister for this gift of Rest???

And when the day was nearly over and the sun was setting.....and the last couple (not us!!) made it back to the ship 30 minutes late and every balcony on the port side of the ship was filled with angry passengers yelling "BOOOOOOO" at these poor folk as they walked up the gang plank, we headed to the Dining Room to Table 616 to sit with our new dining friends Denny and Donna to eat chocolate volcano cake with vanilla ice cream.......


Shirley said...

That is only one reason I love your spirit of Joy,making lemonade (even though God delivered you from snorkeling) you found someone that the Lord provided..safely..and you got to see something perhaps others didn't bother searching out to make a great day!I love that ,wish I were like that!!

Cherie said...

Oh how fun...girl I wish I was there with y'all!