Sunday, February 26, 2017

GROWING SEEDS: "When My Breath Becomes Prayer"


When My Breath Becomes Prayer
"If your life, (Liz), isn't up in the air where the battle is, your life on the ground fails.  The more indifferent you are to prayer, the less God’s power makes any difference in your life.  Take every battle to the air in prayer — and God will take over your battles on earth."

I can't recall where I first heard this quote years ago, but it went hand-in-hand with a book I've been reading lately called "Hinds Feet On High Places" that was handed to me by a good friend a few weeks ago.  A friend who knew I wouldn't understand the title to this little paperback unless I opened it....a friend who knew I'd see myself in every page.....every line...of this book if I did open it.  She said it changed her's changing mine. 

The book is written as an allegory......a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden message, almost like a parable.  It's the story of a spiritual journey (yours and mine) through difficult places.....through tormenting we climb the mountain to the High Place we all long to go to.  She knew I needed this book......she knew my journey of late has been a tough climb with many obstacles....and she knew I needed to be reminded where these obstacles came from.

"The voice of my Beloved!  Behold He comes LEAPING upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills." 
Song of Solomon 2:8

This means there are no obstacles which our Savior's love cannot overcome, and that to Him, mountains of difficulty are as easy as an asphalt road!  Like a gazelle bounding up the mountainside, God bounds to our side at the simple sound of our heart crying out to Him in prayer.  A quick "Come to my deliverance and come quickly, my God" brings Him leaping to our side in a moment.  But we have to recognize the obstacles that draw us away from our Shepherd's side and onto the side of the enemy.  It may surprise you to discover these obstacles have nothing to do with your finances, your health or even your relationships.  It has everything to do with Pride, Fear, Gloom, etc....i.e., friends of the Enemy.  And yes, I capitalized their names because they are REAL and they are ALIVE.

Are you keeping company with these friends of the Enemy lately?  Call out to your Shepherd when they come knocking.  They will run in fear......Trust me!

"The Lord God is my strength, and He will make my feet like Hinds' Feet,
and He will make me to walk upon mine High Places." 
Habakkuk 3:19

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