Sunday, March 5, 2017

GROWING SEEDS: Brokeness & Backpacks


I once had a dear friend who always sat on the front row, right-side-aisle most every Sunday at our church.  She always sat alone and, its pure speculation on my part, but I think she sat on that front row to avoid the distractions that come from sitting anywhere else (plus, it put her close to the side door where she could make a quick exit when church was over). 

It's been a few years now since Di Ann gave me this cross made out of rusty metal.....old nails really.....that has hung on the side of my hutch in the dining room.  The day she handed it to me, she was smiling big.  She was so proud to give it to me....thought I needed it.....and rushed it over to my house, complete with pretty paper in a bag and ribbon surrounding it.  We had just finished a home study on Eucharisteo.....the act of giving Thanks.....thanks for everything.....even the massively broken things in our lives.....and Di Ann had a lot of broken things in her life.

She passed away last summer....
unexpectedly.....and silently.  I pray she knew Jesus was climbing that broken mountain with her and that He carried a backpack with her name on it to put all the broken pieces from her life into. 

I wish I had been a better friend and helped her transfer those broken pieces from Her back to His.

I wish......

But my wish for you, my friend, is to know the whole purpose of the empty cross is so you no longer have to carry the sharp, cutting broken pieces of your life anymore.  If you just call out to Him...."Come quick, Lord, I need You"....He'll carry the burden & weight of your broken pieces in that specially made & personalized backpack with your name on it.

Because He loves you.

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