Sunday, March 4, 2018

GROWING SEEDS: " It's Been An 'Even-If-He-Doesn't' Kind of Week"

There's this song that goes like this....

"I know You're able and I know You can
Save through the flood with Your mighty hand
But EVEN IF You don't.......My hope is in You alone"

The rains came flooding back to Lake Cypress Springs this past week.  My old enemies, Fear and Anxiety, were part of the first drops that came raining down from the sky.  The enemy knows my weaknesses.....he knows my faith rocks the boat when Fear and Anxiety are in town....and he loves watching me squirm:

"They say it only takes a little faith to move a mountain
Well good thing!!
A little faith is all I have right now
But God, when You choose to leave mountains unmovable
(And allow flood waters to invade)
Oh give me the strength to be able to sing,
It is well with my soul"

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew about Fear and Anxiety too.  But they also knew a thing or two about Faith.  A Faith that God is God and we are not.  They understood and believed that, although they could feel the heat from the fire on their faces, God was in control of this situation and God never....NEVER....makes a mistake.  So....if their deaths were to come at the hands of a hot furnace, they would continue to trust in their God.

But I also feel safe in saying they desperately didn't want to perish in the fiery furnace....much like Liz desperately didn't want to sweep water out of her house again this past week.   

"I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You'd just say the word
But even if You don't
My hope is in You alone"

These three friends of Daniels had been through a lot together.  And just as they prayed courage over each other, our friends prayed courage over us this week.  The prayers that went skyward to the throne room of heaven on our behalf this past week were too many to count.  But I know He heard them....every - single - one - of - them.....and I'm grateful.....grateful the sky stopped crying over this lake of ours, but most of all, grateful for YOU.  Fear and Anxiety didn't stand a chance against your prayers for us!"

God will give us the courage we need in our
"Even If He Doesn't"

* Song "Even If" by MercyMe

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