Sunday, July 1, 2018

GROWING SEEDS: Everything You've Ever Wanted Is Sitting On The Other Side of Fear

"Help, God - the bottom has fallen out of my life!
Master, hear my cry for help!
Listen hard!  Open your ears!
Listen to my cries for mercy."
Psalm 130:1

Can you hear the Fear in the Psalmist voice above?  Goodness...I sure can!  I believe I've said those exact words a thousand times to God.  

So, what do you Fear the most?  As for me, I fear grasshoppers, skin cancer and the possibility of floods.  I fear ignorant neighbors who shoot their fireworks inadvertently at my house on 4th of July and I fear not loving the Lord enough.  

Fear is a big deal in the story of us and God. The commandment repeated the most in the Bible is "Fear Not".  I read somewhere that someone once added them all up, and apparently there are 366 “fear nots” in the Bible — one “fear not” for every day of the year — including Leap Year.  Like a parent, daily, telling their child "Don't do that"...... God is constantly, daily, rolling His eyes, shaking His head and reminding us, yet again, that Fear is the opposite of Him.  

Remember; Fear is the "go-to" tool of Satan.....a tool Satan pulls out DAILY and drops on our path.  It's one of his most powerful tools....and it has the power to kill, discourage, destroy, and crush any thread of confidence we have left.  It grips us by the throat and chokes the very breath out of us.  

So what do we do when Fear gets thrown on our path?  What do we have in our tool bag that is bigger and stronger and will overcome Satan's most powerful tool?  Our tool is called Jesus.  Fear trembles in the presence of Jesus.  It's equal to a good soldier fighting with a silver bullet against an enemy using rubber bands.  

And no matter how fearful we may become, we have the promise....the glorious promise.....that nothing in this world lasts forever (my Dad's favorite saying).   Our time on this earth is a minute-in-time compared to the lifetime of eternity in Heaven.  We have nothing to fear......we have the promise of forever as we head for Home, and Home is right around the corner, Friends.  

Lock-and-load Jesus in your life....and the tool of Fear will be rendered useless.

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