Sunday, September 23, 2018

GROWING SEEDS:: Tug-A-War With Satan

"Humble (submit) yourselves to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
James 4:7

Do you believe these words?  Have you found yourself kneeling beside your bed praying (begging) for God to remove the devil from your life?  Good gracious, I have approximately 589,450 times.  But before we can ask God to zap the devil, there's one little thing we need to do first:  Read the verse again.  Did you skip over it the first time?  "Humble yourself, Liz (this is where we all place OUR name in this scripture), to God."

See, I prefer to think that our submission to God....IS our resistance to the devil.

Have you ever played the game Tug-A-War?  I love this game although I'm awful at it.  The object is to put everything you have into pulling the center of the rope to you and away from the opposing team.  The more you "pull into" the rope, the better chance you have in moving that center towards you.  Satan loves the game of Tug-A-War too, but he plays it with our daily activities....putting things on the sidelines that distract us....saying hurtful, personal things to us while he's pulling the rope (us) closer to him which makes us insecure about ourselves, makes us weaker,  and is a constant reminder that he's stronger than we are...or so he wants us to think.  What he desperately doesn't want you to know is.....pulling into God IS pulling away from the enemy.

We spend a lot of time and energy trying to defeat the enemy....working to not let him win....when actually, our time would be better spent pulling the rope (ourselves) into God instead.    Our victory is in allowing God's presence to occupy space within us and be the muscle that wins the Tug-A-War battle with Satan.  

Give it a'll win every time!

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