Sunday, March 10, 2019

GROWING SEEDS: Why I Stopped Keeping A Prayer List

March 10, 2019

I have a True Confession.

I threw out my Prayer List.  Well, not exactly "threw it out"...I organized it.  Ya...that's what I did.  I organized it.

See, for the past few years, I've been flooded (interesting choice of words) with Prayer Requests.  Friends struggling through illness, divorce, death, hardships, drugs, angry husbands, even angrier children....on and on and on.  The trials and struggles of living on this earth and me trying to "keep up" with my prayers for each of these has been interestingly comparable to trying to complete a weekly homework assignment for a Beth Moore Bible Study.  Virtually impossible.

So, I sat down and categorized my prayer list into 7 groups:  

SUNDAYS...I pray for my Church.  Not necessarily my "specifically-attended-church", but rather, my Christian Church.  This includes Baptists, Church of Christ, Seventh-day Adventists, Methodists, Lutheran, etc. 

MONDAYS....I pray for my Granddaughters, Bella and Brie.  They are 14 and 16 and if there were ever an age group to pray for, it is 14 and 16.  My Monday morning prayer is focused exclusively on these two miracles in my life.  

TUESDAYS...I pray for my Family.  This includes my Dad, Sisters, Brothers, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, name.  It gives me an opportunity to think of each of them and pray for their specific need.

WEDNESDAYS...I pray for our Son and Daughter-in-law, Troy and Jen.  They hold a special place in my heart and in my life and they deserve their own day for special prayer.  

THURSDAYS...I pray for my Friends.  Yes..that includes You.  I list you by name and I pray healing, peace, hope and rescue for you during this often difficult journey through life as you travel the path to Home.  Just know, I pray for you on Thursdays.

FRIDAYS...I pray for my Enemies.  Yes...I have enemies.  I pray my heart to be softened towards them...that I learn to love them as God loves them...and that they see Him in me as my heart changes towards them.

SATURDAYS...I pray for Me.  That as the enemy pulls the rope I'm holding onto in this tug-a-war life I live between Good and Evil, that God will give me the strength to pull harder towards good and win the battle against evil.

I encourage you if you're feeling this same pressure to pray for every-one, every-day....try this.  It changes every-thing. 

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