Sunday, July 7, 2019


One of my favorite authors once said, "The road ahead would seem obvious if you knew how much road ahead there was."

Unfortunately, no one tells you how much time you have to dance on this earth.  No one tells you if you have enough time to laugh till you hiccup or take a road trip up Pikes Peak or write that best seller.  If you knew how much time you had to live, you'd know how to live, right?

About 12 years ago, Chuck and I were given a peephole into our future.  We discovered that although he was walking fine at the time, he wouldn't always be walking fine.  His Multiple Sclerosis was marching forward in his tall body and we had a limited amount of weeks, days or years before his legs would soon fail him.  It was time to start living life outside of routine.  We were given a gift....a tiny view of the future...and what we did with it was up to us.

We let go of our tight grip on "Can we afford this?" and purchased a motorcycle trike.  We then wanted to take our trike trips to the highest mountains and furthermost oceans, so we added a motorhome to pull our trike to our growing expenses.  We hit the road and we figured out how to live without knowing when we'd die. 

Because we wanted to live first.

Have you ever wondered why God doesn't tell us the length of our years ahead of time?  Why that death date is a mystery until the day it knocks on our door?  I have.  But we discovered there was freedom in not knowing what was around the next corner.  What magical things were waiting for us as we closed our eyes and placed our fingers on random spots on the map as our next destination, simple things like listening to him breathe as he slept, and focused less on when that next hospital stay would be.  And I could see God smiling and nodding His head in affirmation....because He knew we finally understood one of the greatest gifts He gave us in this life here on earth.

To live.

"Your life is only a blink long -
and then you wake up to the forever that your life chose."

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