Sunday, March 15, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: “Navigator Of My Life”

Most early mornings, I write God a letter on this very computer I'm writing to you on; that is, unless I place my eyes elsewhere first.  Facebook, Amazon or YouTube are the bright and shiny things that distract me on my journey.  I’m not proud to admit that to you.....

This past week, I came across a Prayer Letter I wrote God last year.  It went something like this:

"Father, I fear You will actually do what's best for me instead of what I want You to do for me.
There.  I said it."

I laughed when I read what I had written Him exactly a year ago.  Funny how our eyesight is so much clearer when we have walked a year ahead of a problem....stopped....turned around....and seen with 20/20 vision how and why His way was best for us all along.

My God-letter continued.....

"Father, remember that show "Lets Make A Deal" with Monty Hall?  Monty would say to the contestant, "You can choose from what's behind Door 1, Door 2 or Door 3".  The contestant choosing had no idea what was behind any of the doors, but Monty Hall knew.

Well, my "Will" is kinda like that show.  I ask myself, "Why would you, Liz, choose any of the doors?"
God is fully aware of what is behind ALL the doors of your life.  If I insisted on opening Door #2 because it was decorated the prettiest,  yet You knew, God, that it had a turkey vulture behind it, and Door #1 and Door #3 each had a car and brand new refrigerator behind them,
why wouldn't I let You pick the door for me?
Why do I always choose "MY" way when 100% of the time, YOUR way is the right way?"

So my God-Letter this morning is to have the same Will as God.  That what He wants....I want.  He knows when I reach the fork in the road, which way I need to go....even when its not the prettiest road.  I pray I hear His whispers in my ear on whether to turn right or left, and not ignore His constant "Make A Safe And Legal U-Turn, Liz"  when I choose the wrong road. 

I am the driver of my journey...He is my Navigator, and I am grateful He maps out the right roads on this trip to my eternal Home.

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