Sunday, March 22, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: "Our Back To Normal LIfe"

Each day for the past few weeks, I have continually heard out of my own mouth as well as others, "I can't wait till this Coronavirus has run its course and things get back to normal".  But what if God's plan ISN'T to get things "back to normal"?  What if.....God's plan is to change open eyes that have been closed....that have become complacent.....that haven't daily been fixed on Him?  What if?

It's hard to see the chaos and fear the Coronavirus is causing the world without also remembering Y2K of 01-01-00 and 09-11-01 and the panic of 2008.  Each of these things changed us...some focused their eyes on God....others blamed God.  In some ways, I feel like the modern-day Children of Israel as we welcome the deliverance from tragedy after tragedy only to take our eyes off the Deliverer a few months later when life gets "back to normal" (Psalm 106:6-13). 

Life was never suppose to be "back to normal" from any of these tragedies....nor were the Children of Israel to return "back to normal" and forget the massive miracle when the Red Sea was parted and they walked on dry ground where the Sea had been just seconds before and arrive safely on the other side.  Yet they did forget.  They did go back to life as "normal":

12 "Then they believed His promises
and sang His praise.
13 But they soon FORGOT what He had done
and did not wait for His plan to unfold."
Psalm 106:12-13

God's ultimate plan for our deliverance from this current shaking of the world is to remind us that we need Him.  That this tragedy is bigger than us....that "back to normal" was never part of His plan.  We need Him....every hour, every minute, every second of every day, and we must not forget He is greater than the tragedy. 

He didn't cause the Coronavirus...but He certainly allowed it as another attempt to open our eyes and to show our need to know and to trust Him.  And one of these days, friends, it will be the final tragedy.  Will our eyes be focused on Him....or on our "back to normal" life? That last tragedy will decide your destiny.

He's the only One that can part the waters, find a cure, and deliver us into the Promised Land.  Get to know Him.

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