Sunday, March 29, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: "We Weren't Made For This World"

These last few weeks have allowed us to see life in a way we've never seen it before.  We feel emotions that have no name or title because they're brand new never-before-felt feelings.  And when we look at all that's going on around us....most of us from the safety of our homes and the worries of whats next for our families, it’s hard not to take inventory of just how much we allow ourselves to live only for our life on earth.  

"Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? 
There are better things ahead than any we leave behind."
C.S. Lewis

Let's take a break from the unnamed emotions we are feeling these days and go on a trip.  A trip I go on every chance I get.....a daydream trip to Heaven.

Close your eyes and you can see it.  Do you see the on each side of you....escorting you through the dark skies of space, past the stars and the moon, past Jupiter and Pluto.  You don't even have a single desire to look back at earth getting further away from you.  Then you see the light up ahead.  It's much like the sunrise in the mornings...a slow progression...getting brighter with each second...until it's the only thing you can see.  It's so bright it's hard to look at...but you can't take your eyes off it.  And suddenly, you pass right through the Light...and you know you have arrived Home.  It "feels" like Home.  Like when you've been on a long trip and you pull into the driveway and your entire being exhales "I'm Home".  It's the Home you have traveled your entire life to get to.  It's familiar...yet spectacularly the most beautiful place you've ever not been to.  And there, smiling are all the people you lived life with that knew the Lord.

And before they can hug the daylights out of you, they step aside...and up walks Jesus between them.  Arms outstretched, sandals on His feet, light radiating from Him as He walks straight towards if He’s lived His whole life just for you.  His eyes are sparkling and He has this love on his face when He says, "I thought you'd never get here, (your name)...Welcome Home."

I don't know if that is what it will be like, friends....or anything like it...but what do I know is it will be far greater than even our greatest daydreams.

"If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world
were precisely those who thought most of the next. 
It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world
that they have become so ineffective in this one."

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