Sunday, July 19, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: "Nudges and Whispers"

It's not lost on me that at the very moment you are reading these words, I will be placing my earthly belongings into a moving truck and leaving this place I've grown to love so much. Mt. Vernon, Texas. And here's the clincher: I don't know why I’m moving away.....but I know it’s right.

There have been so many times in my life when I felt that “nudging” to do something I knew wasn’t from me. There was the time I felt the constant “nudging” to cancel the Dallas Morning turn the TV off and replace that time chatting with God instead. It wasn’t what I wanted to do, but He pursued me till I said, “uncle”. The time I felt the strong nudge to turn around and pick up that homeless man walking on the side of the road. I argued with God all the way back to him. I grudgingly picked him up only to have him ask if he could have all the money in my cupholder. I said, “Sure”....forgetting my diamond wedding ring was also in that cupholder. It was hours before I remembered the ring....and after running to the Jeep to check, saw he had taken everything....except the ring.

I could give you a page full of “nudges and whispers”....and me arguing and complaining with God all the way.

But I’ve learned through each of these whispers in my ear by God, that He knew things I didn’t. He saw that by me spending time each morning getting to know Him instead of reading the paper or watching Good Morning America, it would change my life forever. He knew that the homeless man would leave my forgotten wedding he almost certainly must have picked it up out of my cupholder and put it back....a clever reminder to me that it was indeed Him that whispered in my ear that morning. Can you see Him smiling? I sure can.

And this move from a place I love so....Mt. Vernon....and the people that have embraced me...loved me....supported me....thrown me life preservers when I was drowning....well, it’s ripping this girls’ heart out of her chest to leave. But I know this decision is God’s choice for me....because it’s certainly not what I would have chosen.

But I trust His plan more than I trust my plan. And it's necessary I live out the life He’s chosen for me and discover the nuggets of gold in doing so. I may be moving away, but I'm leaving my heart right here.

"FAITH is to BELIEVE what we cannot see,
and the REWARD of this FAITH is to SEE what we believe."

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