Sunday, August 30, 2020

If Satan Can Neutralize You, He Can Mute Your Influence"

 "If Satan Can Neutralize You, He Can Mute Your Influence"

liz etheridge

"Let me be, (insert your name here), represent a challenge to Satan's plan. You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something the world needs - wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill."
Max Lucado

Have you ever wondered why Satan would mess with a Christian? I mean, if we are promised in John 10:28 that "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand", why would Satan waste his time on a Christian? He knows his time to gather followers here on earth is short, so why would he spend what little time he has on something he can't have...Christians?

"If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence."

Awww, there it is...thank you, Max Lucado, for pointing out the obvious. When pain and strife continue to smack you in the face....when darkness falls all around you....when evil is creeping into the crevices of your soul, remember; if Satan can scare, discourage, depress and quiet you, he can STOP your influence.

It's a clever plan, really.....using shipwrecks in our stop our voices. But as Christians, we know its these shipwrecks we have survived, that can be the very life preserver that saves others. When we make it to the shore after our lives have crashed against the rocks, we are only then able to help resuscitate those in the throes of their own shipwreck.

Nothing explains this better than the story of Job in the Old Testament. Job's friends were the kind of friends we often are if we haven't suffered - they are more interested in explaining his plight to him than sitting with him in it. They're incapable of the compassion that would demand them to suffer with him. Because they themselves had not sat in the dirt of despair as Job had.

Don't let a shipwreck moment in your life go to waste. Use it. Tell others about it. Be vulnerable and wrap the life preserver of compassion and understanding around those who find themselves sinking from their own shipwreck.

You were help rescue others.

Sunday, August 23, 2020



I ran across this word the other day and just loved how it sounded when it rolled off my tongue.  "Coddiwomple".   Try saying that five times real quick and see if you're aren't crazy about it too:  "Coddiwomple" "Coddiwomple" "Coddiwomple" "Coddiwomple" "Coddiwomple".   See what I mean!???

But even better than the cool word was the definition: 

"To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination."

It reminded me of when Chuck and I traveled in the RV during the summers to get away from the brutal Texas heat.   The first year or so, the ever-planning Liz would have each destination planned, each RV park reserved and each route Google-Earthed. Truly, I was a maniac with the planning process.  But we discovered DURING the journey that we often didn't like the route we (Liz) had planned, or the RV park wasn't a good "fit" for us and Google Earth took the "fun" out of not knowing what was around the next bend.

We discovered we had a much better and happier time (and argued less!!) when we would sit at the RV dining table, pull out our trusty laminated truck stop map, close our eyes, drop our finger on a never-before-heard-of destination and then go there.  Our trip-planning never would have included Vernal, Utah, Spearfish, SD or Vacaville, CA had we not trusted our trusty blind finger.

I tell you this because our lives are so much like those fly-off-the-seat-of-your-pants RV trips.  We can plan every detail of our daily lives only to discover we don't care for the route its taking....or the place we're in....or the un-spontaneousness (is that even a word??) of our day-to-day grind.

I think of my friend Jay who walked across America last year...yep, from CA to the East Coast.  Took him five months and many pairs of shoes...but he rediscovered himself on that often difficult and unpredictable road.  He never knew each day what was waiting for him right around the next corner.  Was he going to be beat on by a hot summer sun or see a beautiful rainbow in a field of wildflowers?  Would he meet people who honked at him to get off the road or a new friend who wanted to give him a ride to the next town and buy him a meal?  

Its the same with our life here on earth....we have no idea what is down the road for next week or even the next hour.  But what we do know is we aren’t walking it alone.  God is walking beside us each step of the way, like a cheerleader cheering us on as we run this unpredictable race through earth striving for our forever Home.  But sometimes...we have to get off the safe and secure road to see the beauty in the journey.

"Don't Be Afraid That Your Life Will End.
Be Afraid That It Will Never Begin."

Sunday, August 16, 2020

"Rabbits and Widows and Satan, Oh My! "


"Rabbits and Widows and Satan, Oh My! "
liz etheridge

Molly and I are ending Week 4 in our new home. 
TRUE CONFESSIONS: At times, it has felt like YEAR 4.

I'm not going to lie; this has been a hard move. Sometimes, painfully hard. My bank account would also concur this has been a throbbing four weeks, with unexpected roots in the plumbing....sprinkler valves going rogue...landlords being a major thorn-in-my-side...and missing my friends who had always been right down the East Texas country road to cry a few tears and share a coffee with. And yes...I've even questioned whether I heard God correctly to move here. In my heart there's no doubt....oh, but how Satan loves to mess with my mind!
My sister, Debbie, passed on some wise words to me as these things threatened to disarm me:

"If Satan can't make you sin, Liz, he can certainly make you suffer."

Ahhhh....the always wise words of my sister. She's right, you know. Satan knows he can't have us if we belong to God...but a quick read in the Book of Job will show us convincingly that he certainly can try to make our lives miserable. And sometimes...he succeeds.

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome,
because the One who is IN you (God) is GREATER than the one who is in the world (Satan) ." 
1 John 4:4


And the best way to combat the one who would seek to discourage and disarm us is to get that dusty and trusty old journal out and start numbering......documenting and making that list of all the things you're Thankful for. This simple practice is the secret to overcoming discouragement! My brother-in-law Doug reminded me of that one particularly difficult day shortly after Chuck passed away. And my son Troy handed me a book* a few weeks ago that gave me more tools which included repeating ten times a day, "If God be for you, Liz, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31). 
 But I am right where I'm suppose to be. Widow #13 on the block. I have been blessed to find a beautiful home, great neighbors, one Gladys Kravitz and thousands of rabbits. And those friends from East Texas and family members? Well, they've been showing up on my doorstep handing me doses of encouragement, reminders they still remember who I am and love me. They have helped me pack and unpack...given me a much needed massage when my muscles had tightened up and flown 3,000 miles to climb ladders in 100 degree heat to change out motion sensors to keep me safe. I am a blessed woman to have them walking next to me on this journey.

And you can bet....each of them are listed by name daily on my Thankful List to God. And I can see Him smile as He drops a blessing or two down on each of them for being the blessing in my life......

.... “Count your blessings and discover Who can be counted on.”
*The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale


Sunday, August 9, 2020



liz etheridge
(Originally written on ......)

"Promise you'll come and sit with me one afternoon---"

I received those words from my friend a few years ago.....a new widow. While I was battling fires in my own household, she was saying goodbye to her husband of many years and feeling anything but peaceful.....

"He was in ICU that week right after Christmas--with me praying for pneumonia! Have you ever heard of such a weird prayer?" she wrote.

"Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
 (Romans 5:1).

I've never understood why every time I hear the word "Peace", I think of death. I long for that day when God and I are walking along that River of Life.....chatting like the old friends we are....and I can actually feel His skin on my hand....I can touch the scars. I always cry when I close my eyes and think of that picture in my's the picture of Peace.

"Please Lord, don't let it be small-cell." I stopped and thought--whoever in this world prays for cancer of any kind -- and then my next prayer was, "Please Lord, just let this be over!" My final prayer was for the funeral, "Let me make it through this day."

I could actually hear these words coming from her mouth as I read them...I could feel the pain deep in her soul....and my heart felt her distress. Peace and Hope were waffling at her door and threatening to leave the room....."We rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us..." (Romans 5:3-5).

"I'm flunking widowhood, Liz" she said.

And we know that Hope is the highway that gets our faith from point A to point B. It's what keeps us moving through whatever circumstances life throws at us. It's the secret sauce in our soul. He just wants us to wrap ourselves around Him, be silent and still, and go where He takes us.

No Jesus.....No Peace
Know Jesus......Know Peace

Peace Out

Sunday, August 2, 2020

"The Enemy Intended to Harm Me, But God Intended It All For Good"

A few years ago, a good friend showed up at my door with tears in her eyes and these words on her lips, "Liz, I am SO discouraged. Why is God allowing me to be persecuted this way?"

As we sat down, I listened to the struggles she had been experiencing.....very public struggles....and I couldn't help but smile when she finished. Yes.....her struggles were BIG. They were EXPOSED. She was being lied about.....persecuted really....and she struggled to understand why the God she loved so much would allow this to happen. I smiled because it meant she was doing something RIGHT. She was a threat to Satan. Her very public LOVE for God was getting on the evil one's last nerve. He was ticked off cause he was losing people because of this girl's strong and very evident devotion to her Father.

I reminded her of Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for GOOD to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

See, I've clung to this scripture since December 27, 2015. It's been my "Go-To" scripture after God repeated it to me over and over and over that dark night in the rain. It was the only scripture I heard.....and I couldn't have told you where to find it or even the story behind it. But I can now. The story is about Joseph....a man loved dearly by his father...despised by his brothers....and sold by those very ones who hated him so. Fast forward 22 years.....Joseph is now running the country....he's in charge. And Joseph says this to the brothers who tried to kill him, "God sent me here. God did this. God is protecting you. (through me)". In other words,

"There's more to our story than we can see."

We know the feel of a famine, don't we? Like the brothers of Joseph, we've found ourselves in dry seasons. Max Lucado once said, "To the degree that we BELIEVE and ACCEPT God's vision for our lives, we WILL get through life. When people chunk us into the pit, we WILL stand up. God can use this for good. When people sell us out, we WILL climb to our feet.


(Originally from April 27, 2016 Growing Seeds)