Sunday, August 30, 2020

If Satan Can Neutralize You, He Can Mute Your Influence"

 "If Satan Can Neutralize You, He Can Mute Your Influence"

liz etheridge

"Let me be, (insert your name here), represent a challenge to Satan's plan. You carry something of God within you, something noble and holy, something the world needs - wisdom, kindness, mercy, skill."
Max Lucado

Have you ever wondered why Satan would mess with a Christian? I mean, if we are promised in John 10:28 that "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand", why would Satan waste his time on a Christian? He knows his time to gather followers here on earth is short, so why would he spend what little time he has on something he can't have...Christians?

"If Satan can neutralize you, he can mute your influence."

Awww, there it is...thank you, Max Lucado, for pointing out the obvious. When pain and strife continue to smack you in the face....when darkness falls all around you....when evil is creeping into the crevices of your soul, remember; if Satan can scare, discourage, depress and quiet you, he can STOP your influence.

It's a clever plan, really.....using shipwrecks in our stop our voices. But as Christians, we know its these shipwrecks we have survived, that can be the very life preserver that saves others. When we make it to the shore after our lives have crashed against the rocks, we are only then able to help resuscitate those in the throes of their own shipwreck.

Nothing explains this better than the story of Job in the Old Testament. Job's friends were the kind of friends we often are if we haven't suffered - they are more interested in explaining his plight to him than sitting with him in it. They're incapable of the compassion that would demand them to suffer with him. Because they themselves had not sat in the dirt of despair as Job had.

Don't let a shipwreck moment in your life go to waste. Use it. Tell others about it. Be vulnerable and wrap the life preserver of compassion and understanding around those who find themselves sinking from their own shipwreck.

You were help rescue others.

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