Sunday, December 13, 2020

Joy In The Waiting

Soooo....about 7 years ago, my church in Mt. Vernon graciously asked me to throw some words each week on the back of the church bulletin. Recently, I had several people ask me to repost one of those articles I wrote from 12-12-16 about Joy, something so many of us are missing this difficult year of 2020. So friends, here it is. I hope during this Advent Season....a season of Anticipation as we Wait....Wait for Emmanuel, God With Us, that you can also find Him waiting for you today.

It was Monday a week ago. 4:00 am.

I woke straight out of bed.....fear gripped every fiber of my being just as it has many mornings these past 12 months.....fear of things I have no control over....fear of drowning.....fear of floods....fear of being weak.....fear of everything.

By the time I turned the Keurig on at 4:05 that morning, tears were pouring out of my eyes and....these are hard words for me to admit to you....I felt alone. So very alone. I couldn't hear or feel God anywhere near me. I felt the unanswered "why's" of my life pushing down on my shoulders and, by-the-way, wasn't I suppose to be feeling "Peace On Earth" right now three weeks before Christmas? Was Joy just a sick joke?

I plug into my iTunes......choose my Christmas playlist....when suddenly the song, "Word of God, Speak" starts playing. That's not on my Christmas playlist I remember thinking. And as I listened to the words,

"I'm finding myself at a loss for words..... The last thing I need is to be heard..... But to hear what You would say..... Word of God SPEAK... Would You pour down like rain, Washing my (crying) eyes to see Your majesty.... To be still and know that You are in this place."

The weight of worry began leaving me and I knew He had just spoken to my tears and fears through the words of this song and I knew He was here.....patiently waiting on me to see Him.

We talked....a lot....for over an hour about these fears....this weight of the loneliness through the tough times that I was feeling. And exactly two minutes after I said, "Amen", I received this text from a friend who knew nothing about my struggles:

"Good Morning my dearest friend. I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that you are never ever alone. I was spending time in the Lord's presence this morning and all I could think about was you. God must have something beautiful for you, and He wants you to stay encouraged. I love you... Have a great day!" K

Jesus whispers there is always hope. It doesn't matter how dark the dark is, a Light can still dawn...and here's the spoiler alert: That gift from God that is wrapped up tight with your name on it.....Joy is inside.

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