Sunday, February 14, 2021

Letter To Myself In 10 Years


"Letter To Myself In 10 Years"
I read a story the other day about a 12 year old girl who died suddenly from pneumonia. While going through her belongings, her family came across a letter she had herself.....and was not to be opened by herself until she was 22.

She never saw 22.

In this letter to herself, she wrote what she dreamed she'd be like in 10 years. It was beautiful. She knew herself better than anyone, yet, she didn't know herself at 22.

So, what if we all wrote a 10-year letter to ourselves? What would we say, what would we hope for ourselves? On this cold, snowy morning, I thought I'd share my 10-year letter with you before licking it closed and placing it in a safe place to be opened in 2031.

Dear Liz,

I guess by now when you open this letter, you are almost 71 years old. You will be a few years past Social Security, if there even still is a Social Security. Most likely your sweet pup, Molly, will be at the Rainbow Bridge and the aches and pains of being almost 71 will be creeping up on you.

Your granddaughters are now 26 and 28, probably out of college and possibly married.....starting lives of their own.

Is God still first in your life, Liz? Do you still wake up each morning, grab a cup of coffee and spend one-on-one time with Him? Do you still cry when you see a cardinal or hear the song Amazing Grace? Are your eyes still focused on the miracles all around you? Are you still grateful for everything.....even the hard things?

I hope you concentrate less on your "stuff" and more on others. I pray you are still finding magic through the lens of your camera, capturing glimpses of heaven no matter where you are living.

But what if you aren't alive to read this in 2031? Do you know where you are? Did Jesus recognize you as a Follower of His the second you breathed your last breath or did He NOT know you because you were just a lukewarm Fan of His? I keep remembering that scripture in Matthew that says "You can enter God's Kingdom ONLY through the NARROW gate. The highway to hell is broad and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult and only a FEW ever find it." (Matthew 7:13).

So, I pray you are still on that narrow, bumpy road to eternity when you open this letter in 10 years.....dying to yourself each of the 3,650 days between then and now. Stay on the narrow road, my friend.....don't take the easy road. Love, Liz

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