Tuesday, July 6, 2021

I - Am - A - Proud - Texan - American

 July 4, 2021
As I was standing on the 4th level of the Texas State Capital Building in Austin, I suddenly heard amongst all the echos of voices, a small voice way in the background singing a familiar tune. I stopped exploring and navigated my way to the center where I looked down over the 4th floor banister and onto the rotunda below of our Texas State Capital (which was fashioned after the Washington state capital, BTW). I saw my brother-in-law Brady standing in the center, amongst all the visitors, the people taking pictures, the kids yelling and people talking, and singing God Bless America. He wasn’t singing to them, but rather, appeared to be singing to America.

As I watched him boldly looking up, hat in hand, singing God Bless America and America The Beautiful, it brought chills to my arms as I asked myself the honest question of whether I was bold enough to do what Brady had just done.

I can honestly tell you, I’ve never been more proud of my brother-in-law Brady as I was at that moment.

As he neared the end, others started joining their voices with his throughout the massive rotunda. We could hear their voices echoing throughout the entire capital this 4th of July 2021...most of them foreigners just happy to be living and visiting in a free country.

And when the voices had come to an end, one last voice was heard above all others: AMEN.

This weekend taught me many things, but mostly that people still care...people are still proud....and that most of those proud people were people most likely not born here. The four of us were certainly in the minority this 4th of July as we visited our State Capital.

Thank you Brady, for reminding us how Beautiful America is .....and how God certainly has blessed this great state and country of ours.

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