Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wedding Photos - Day 5 - "Sanctuary"


Wedding Photos - Day 5 - Sanctuary
Guys....I need to introduce you to this woman...Amy Keever. A dear, dear friend from East Texas and a Coffee Chick, Amy is an amazing accomplished artist whose work has been featured at the Gaylord and in numerous top-rated art studios around the country. But that's just a small part of who Amy Keever is.....
A "sister" close to my heart for many years, Amy gave Wayne and I one of the greatest gifts we've ever received. A piece of herself in one of her art pieces that she made especially for us.
It's called, "The Sanctuary".
When she presented it to us at our wedding reception in December, she explained the inspiration behind her creating it. She said this......

“Sanctuary” by Amy Keever

"It was made to be a representation of all the providence God has placed in yours & Wayne's lives. To me, nests have always represented almost a “second womb”, a haven that’s prepared for the one who is to dwell in it. A mosaic of things collected for the space that life will thrive in.

As I think about both of your journeys, Wayne and Liz, I see there has always been a sanctuary around you - defined as a holy and sacred place, a space that provides safety and protection from danger or difficult situations…….

You will find Manzanita branches in the nest which, by their meaning, are known to represent interconnection and symbolize things magical……how magical you’ve been to so many people in your love, honor and support……..

Limbs of a Texas tumbleweed wrap all around this piece ….in nature they actually tumble to distribute thousands of seeds… bouncing and rolling in the wind, a tumbleweed spreads out tens of thousands of seeds so that they all get plenty of sunlight and space…..the tumbleweed gives the nest a very delicate feel. I greatly love and appreciate all the seeds and sunlight you both delicately planted in so many lives…..and we feel those rays coming down on us.

I chose white woven horse hair to represent the freedom of a mustang I believe God has brought you both to love fully and live richly. There are small cuts of gold Smalti and stained glass that I love to think of how God has used your brokenness to create something so beautiful in you…….

A little birdie told me that Cyndi carried a picture of “Monkees” in her wallet, so tucked away is a little silver monkey smiling within…

I remember Chuck carrying dog bones for the neighborhood dogs, so I had to include one of those, each placed by a feather, which as we’ve heard, if you find a feather, you’ve found me, you are close to angels. Babies breath represents everlasting love and that, we know, you have both found in each other……

On the inside, you’ll see dozens of soft blush and off white feathers to symbolize God’s grace and favor………your true North.

The nest rests upon an old piece of driftwood found in NW Arkansas which so reminds me of your path. You both have had moments where you probably felt like you were drowning, yet you just kept praying and believing and, just like the piece of driftwood, you withstood the storms and emerged with more character and resilience than ever before.

Which leads me to the last feature that, at first glance, will be hard to see…….I placed tiny glow in the dark butterflies no bigger than an 1/8 of an inch, and just like all the friends that surround you here today, it might not be noticeable all the time, but in the darkness will reveal all the sisters and friends that surround you both.…… 

You, our darling girl, and Wayne our dear new friend, we honor here today and thank you for all you’ve done by watering each of our souls as only you can………

With Much Love,
Amy & Craig"
So as you can see, friends, we were handed a gift like no other. A one-of-a-kind tenderly and gently made piece of Amy Keever. Every time I pass it as it sits proudly in the center of my most favored antique cabinet, I feel Amy's love pouring out to both Wayne and I. She is a gift straight to my heart.


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