So I have a girlfriend named "Liz" (there's an epidemic of Liz's in my life) who I received the following email from this morning:
This morning on the way to school Jane said, "I'll be a unicorn someday."
I nodded. It's a solid plan for a three year old.
"But I'm going to have a lady face" she added.
Again, solid plan. Who doesn't like a unicorn with a pretty face?
"And then I'll lose my tooths," she stated, poking her front teeth with her finger.
This is the part of the conversation where things started to go off the rails a bit.
"No, you won't lose your teeth for a long time," I tried to explain, but she wasn't having it.
"I will!" she insisted vehemently. "I will lose my tooths, and then steal other little girls' tooths."
"I thought you were going to be a lady face unicorn," I asked. I couldn't help it.
She considered this, and agreed, "Yes, I will. And I will steal other unicorns' tooths."
"It's teeth. It's plural," I said, because frankly, I was at a loss for how to respond anymore and it seemed safest to stick to immovable facts.
"Yes. Teeth. And I will steal them, and hide them in my stove, and cook them later." she nodded, apparently satisfied that we'd reached a mutual grammar agreement and an understanding about the fate of any future teeth that fall into her hands.
"Hey, look at those birds up there," I pointed to a really timely and convenient flock flying over the freeway.
She smiled silently and watched them.
SCORE. I'd managed to stop the lady-face-unicorn-teeth-cooking conversation in its tracks with a simple diversionary "hey look at that over there" tactic.
She kept smiling sweetly, gazing up at the birds, and then I heard her whisper, "Hey little birds, I can see your tooths."
This was beautiful. Beautiful because Jane is adorable....she is hilarious....she is a bit frightening.....just like all the other women in my life. And I wouldn't trade a single one of them for nothing! Nope....not nothing.
I long to be like Jane, the 3-year old above. I long to be like her because she aimed high....she went for the unicorn and nothing....tooths....birds....MOM....was getting in her way of achieving that lofty goal.
I love strong, aim-for-the-sky-nothings-getting-in-my-way fearless women....and I love FUN women.....who don't take themselves too seriously....who will lay on the train tracks for a photo-op....who give me the hiccups laughing during lunch at Mi Cocita's with napkin art....who can jump in the Jeep, hanging on for dear life as I manage to make roads where they weren't any....and laugh till tears run down their face. I love that God hand-picked each of these women to walk this journey with me....even during the not-so-fun times. I am desperate to learn how to "play-well-with-others" that are different from me......and to love them BIG. Yes Yes....I want to LOVE them BIG!
I'm rambling, I know......but I just wanted to write my girlfriends a love note (and the women girlfriends in my family are at the extreme top of this list) and tell them how much they are undeserving I am of their love for me....and how crazy unicorn-aiming-heaven-sent they are. I love you.