Thursday, June 27, 2024

Our Molly - 2007 - 2024

Thank You, Molly, for bringing such JOY into our lives for so many years.

Thank You for putting up with us....for encouraging us....for forgiving us when we didn't feed you on time.

Thank You for crawling into our laps when we were sad....

Thank You for trusting us to keep you safe and to provide entertainment for you when you were bored.

And when we didn't deserve to be loved because we left you too long or rubbed your nose in things you couldn't help, you loved us anyway. Unconditionally.

I learned a lot from you, Molly. Thank You for allowing us to be YOUR parents. We will always love you.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Chapter 64


Today......Marks the Beginning of Chapter 64 in the Life of Liz.

I love getting older. Sounds crazy I know, but I wouldn’t reverse the clock for all the money in the world. If anything, I would increase the clock speed as I move forward into the future.

And there's just something about being another year older that causes you to reflect back on Chapters 63 or 44 or 27 or look ahead to Chapters 65 or 72 or 86 in your life, right? 

To look at where you’ve been......and to where you’re going. 

To the Shipwrecks in your life....and to the Rescues. 
To the Griefs.....and to the Restorations.

When you look back on spent chapters in your life, you are able to see with clarity....20-20 vision....the pouring out of Grace you received through those very Rescues and Restorations by the One who numbered your days when He created you. You remember the sufferings, yes.....but you also see the ripples from your endurance muscles increasing because of those Chapters of Suffering.

"Suffering Produces Endurance.....” 
Romans 5:3

I am finding with each passing year, the things I used to hold tightly to my know, those things of “this” world that distract me and I thought were important and necessary....are anything but. They are just noisy “things”. And they kept me looking “back” more than looking “forward”. Forward past the final chapter in the Book Of Liz to a new book:

A book titled, “Eternity”.

Can't wait to read Chapter 64!!