Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Little Cheerleader Does The Funky Chicken.....

October 16, 2010 - Allen, TX

Is there anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, cuter than watching little 5-year old cheerleaders leading the cheer for little 5-year old football players??  Seriously??  Much more entertaining than watching the Dallas Cowboys for sure!!

Chuck and I were fortunate enough to get a front row seat to watch our "almost 6" granddaughter, Brie's, cheer squad perform this past weekend.  They had perfected cheers such as "Rock, Rock, Steady Eddie"; "The Funky Chicken" and "Come On You Texans and Shake Your Caboose".......these kiddos were "cute as a pancake on a cat"!
Brie and her "Baked" LeLe cupcake

We are T-minus 9 days and counting before Brie's 6th birthday and thought we'd help her celebrate it a little early this past Saturday.  After she entertained us at the football field, we headed on to the house for cupcakes (yep, it's true......Liz "baked" cupcakes.....I recently found out if its good stuff like sweets, its called "baking" but if its just basic food stuff, its called "cooking"........I just want to know "why".....Same oven "bakes" and "cooks".....Why make it so complicated by giving it different names??).
Meg - My Barbie...

The girls and I always love to play Barbie's when we visit.   I picked my favorite Barbie of the 4,587 Barbie's they own several years ago and named her "Meg" and they always make sure she's patiently sitting on the table waiting for me.  She was usually sitting there naked when I arrived, but recently she has been wearing Cinderalla's dress or Pocahontas' poncho or has even been seen wearing Ken's trousers....I'm just glad she's not naked anymore......and I'm relieved the girls finally moved out of the "Naked-Barbie" phase........I just wish we could do something with Meg's hair.......I think the hampster has been gnawing on it while I'm gone....

Some of our "prettier" faces.....


LeeBird3 said...

I want you to be my LeLe!!! :)

Judy Boyles said...

They are simply adorable. You are blessed.

Israel said...

Soooooooo cute!!


Ant Ellie said...

Those are cute little girls.....and they look like they do not miss anything...including fun! wonder
where they got that from? Reminds me of you and Lance and Jacque!! That was probably alot of
fun. Enjoy. I love your blogs.
ant ellie

Ellen said...

How does Brie stretch her mouth so wide? Wow....