Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chuck Missed the Last Supper......

April 27, 2011

(Phone conversation between Chuck and me last Thursday 
while on my 2-hour trip home from Dallas)

LIZ:  Chuck, you need to call the neighbors, Troy and Becky, and see if they want to go to the "Last Supper" Easter re-enactment program at church tonight.

CHUCK:  Ok, I'll call them...

(10 minutes later....)

CHUCK:  Ok, I called them.  WE can't go.

LIZ:  Why can't WE go??

CHUCK:  Cause there's no food being served.....I thought we were going to eat at the supper but Becky said we couldn't.

LIZ:  Huh??  You thought you were going to get to eat at the "Last Supper" re-enactment??

CHUCK:  Well said it was a "supper".....

And that, my friends, is a normal day in the life of Chuck and Liz.....


Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...

Ha ha !! Got a good laugh out of that one. I hope someday to meet your Chuck, he sounds like quite a fun character !

Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...

That was to funny.

Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...
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Liz Etheridge-Sekerke said...

You are such a bright spot in my day.

Ant Ellie said...

If anyone has their priorities right, it is Chuck......and in case of a famine, I am going to stick close to him.....cause it is all about food.
take care, ant ellie