April 1, 2011
Wellllll........we are on the road again.....but this time, we're going to see if you can tell where we are with just a few subtle clues......Ready??

Welcome To My World Liz Etheridge Sekerke
Welcome To My World Liz Etheridge Sekerke
Well, if you don't know where you are, how in the world am I suppose to know ? Ha ha !!! You got me. I haven't a clue. But I do wish I was with you guys !
aw a pretty tree like that in Arkansas one time. Heading close to Quachita (sp)?"
No missouri
Could be similar to another set of trees NW of Mena somewhat SE of Rich Mountain. Guess you will have to reveal yourself for me to know for sure"
in the scenic Ozark Mts. of Arkansas
jean ann
Heck, I would't know....and don't get smart with me girl!!
"WELLLLL beings Ive never been any where I cant begin to guess dont ever remember seeing hwy 88 even??? Hope u have wonderful safe happy trip.. GOd go with u..."
Ok Liz, Here i go one more time. I think u r on your way to Ark.Mena is my guess.Looks like the lodge at Mena Ark. Nonia Mc
Don't even know where Hwy 88 is ..... so have no clue. How long will ya'll be gone? Have fun!! Beautiful picture.
"Queen Wilhilmena State Park! I love to ride motorcycles up there. "
Man! we're sure wanting to go to Mena! Miss it and the coffee!
The ozarks....right?ant ellie
Man! we're sure wanting to go to Mena! Miss it and the coffee!
Magazine Mountain!!!
Queen Wilhamena in Ok?
Yall be at queen willimeaner
Queen Wilhelmina Lodge in Arkansas????
"In my beautiful state???"
"I love Ark.Ist time we went to lodge. No a/c,tv just rockers on porch.What a view.Open windows that nite fog came in and every thing wet when we woke. The workers could get to work untill fog cleared.A man was there that was a cook in the service and he whipped up some good food. Good times."
Can I Play?????? Please please please
Wilhemena lodge close to Mena, Arkansas
in the scenic Ozark Mts. of Arkansas
jean ann
No idea---Tennessee or Kentucky?
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