Monday, April 1, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: 'Postcards from Grandma-In-The-Woods"


Growing up, we would visit my Grandma Calloway in the summers who us grandkids affectionally called "Grandma-In-The-Woods" due to the deep woods of Alabama she and Grandpa Calloway lived in.  She was, by far, the most precious Grandma a shy, overweight little girl with a bad china doll haircut could ever ask for.  She pulled water from the well each morning so we could bathe, fed the chickens in a rickety old chicken shack, stomped out the big-as-a-house crickets for us, had a working (??) outhouse and made us homemade biscuits every morning.  But the thing I remember the most about Grandma-In-The-Woods was she loved to write letters and send post cards. 

Even with 11 grand kids and a grumpy Grandpa-In-The-Woods husband, she "made" the time to send each of us cards, letters and always....ALWAYS.....reminded us at the end of her letter that "God loved us.....time was short.....get your life right now" and "as much as she loved us, God loved us more."

I remember getting these letters....smiling at the poor spelling....and thinking "yeah yeah yeah" when reading the last part about God loving me more than her and getting my life right.  Just another letter or card from Grandma.  Just another postcard.....

Funny thing about getting older; you start appreciating those things which meant so little to you just a few years before.  I would give my right arm to find a letter or postcard with Grandma-In-The-Woods' handwriting on it today.  I would be tickled pink to see those misspelled words again.  Interesting how they mean so much more to me now than they ever did then.....

My goal from this day forward is to mail at least one postcard or letter each week to someone who could use an uplifting misspelled word or two.  Something they could actually hold in their in their Bible.....tuck away in their be read again at a later date, when they needed to be reminded of their worth and that God truly, truly does love them so very much.

Won't you join me?

"Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water -
it will make ripples throughout the entire pond."

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