Friday, January 1, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 4

 January 1, 2016


Someone told me yesterday it was New Years Eve and I about called them a liar.  I had totally and completely forgotten this was the last week of 2015.  All I could think was......


I'm ready to end this chapter and start a new one.  It's been a wild year.....and ended with a bang.  Actually, more like a gurgle...gurgle...gurgle.  So, as we start this brand smackin' new chapter in the book of our lives with 365 empty pages ahead of us, I'm going to cling not only to Isaiah 43:2 above in the difficult weeks and months ahead, but to a quote my friend Regina shared on Facebook this week:

And I fear I have given you the impression I have been a ROCK STAR through this whole wet process this week.   I haven't been.  I have cried buckets of tears.  I have gone from being a mighty warrior to a blithering ugly mess within a micro-second.  My emotions are all over the board and I can't seem to contain them in a nicely confined little box where I'd like to keep them.  I am living different than anyone else.  And sometimes life is ugly....and wet....and full of Grace.

Yesterday was Chuck's first day to see inside the house since we left early Monday morning.  There was just no way to get his wheelchair through the water until yesterday.  And this was the face he made when he came out.

And these are the beautiful faces of my treasured IF: girls who showed up at my house yesterday to pack up much of our smaller stuff and get it out of the way.  There is so much I want to tell you about each one of them but there just isn't enough space.  There is so much you NEED to know about each of them...and it would change your life if you knew.

And this is Cindy and Maaike.  Cindy has been at my house every day this week working, packing, shoveling, hauling for 8 hours every day...bringing plywood so Chuck's wheelchair didn't get stuck in the gravel at the temporary house and cooking us dinner.   There's not enough words in my vocabulary to tell you what this girl means to me and what all she has done for us.  Maaike owns a large dairy a few miles down the road which was hit by a tornado three weeks ago.  THREE WEEKS AGO.  Yes....her dairy was hit hard and she lost beloved cattle....she lost barns....she lost a lot.  And she's standing in MY house sweeping up water.  WOW.

I have never lived anywhere like this, friends.  I have never worshiped with people like the people at First United Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon.  Where people help people because they don't know how NOT to......where you hear them whispering prayers as they sweep water out of your house or emptying rotten food from your dead freezer or taking your wet clothes and towels home and washing them for you.  I have never been "graced" with so much GOOD in my entire life. 

And as I start filling in Page 1 of 2016, I start it with Thanksgiving.  I have a deeply grateful heart for these people I call FAMILY.  They have provided us everything we need....MORE than we need....and God is using each of them in a very mighty way right now.

So bring it on 2016....I'm ready for ya.  I'm covered up with GRACE. 


Robin's Nest said...

Such sheer...unfiltered love...from everyone including you!!!!

Marlene said...

Liz, I cry every time I read your blog! I cry with mixed emotions. But more because you have godly people supporting you during this challenging time. May I one day be able to serve as your friends are serving you. May I be the hands and feet of Jesus one day. And I am sure there's no doubt in your friends' minds that you would do the same for them!

Thank you for sharing so honestly!



Annette & Charlie said...

More Grace and blessings to you and Chuck this New Year!

Janis Woodard said...

My prayers go out to you and your family. I can relate to what you are going through, we flooded during hurricane Ike. We gutted our house and started over. You can replace items, even some of the ones we hang on for sentimental reasons.
There will be days you will still cry, but also remember that you all are safe, hang in there

Nancy Craig said...

Our thoughts, prayers, love continue 4 you hour by hour & day by day.

Donya Barker said...

Still continuing to pray for you. You are such an inspiration.

Lulu said...

So happy u r blessed with such good friends. Sending love n prayers. Prayers that waters don't come back.

Diana said...

Whispering breath prayers for you all every time I think about you, Liz.

Amy Spence said...

Thinking of you Liz! Praying that your repair is at a minimum!

John Kennedy said...

My Dear Friends,
My heart goes out to both of you! I also am very thankful for you for the wonderful friends you have coming out there to help in so many different ways. I am sorry I am not one of them. I tell you again, if there is anything I can do. You need me for something or my truck, anything at all just let me know. Let me know if you need me, in my prayers always.

Love You,


Candace Sullivan said...

Sending you our thoughts as you work so hard to clean up after the epic floods. So very sorry.
Hope 2016 brings you good weather. Health. Happiness. Love.

Marlene said...

Please do continue writing, as your strength allows you. Your faith and the support of your friends reminds me of what God can do especially in the midst of great challenges! You are witnessing! I will continue to pray for all of you.

You are very dear to my heart!

Lots of love,

Judy Kirby said...

I wish that Johnny and I were home to help you in this difficult situation. Know that our prayers are with you and Chuck and your friends. Good will come from bad for those who love the Lord, and I know that you do! Love you my sweet friend!

Christy said...

366 days! It's a leap year!

Laurie Pace said...

I am in tears... with joy reading your testimony. Miss everyone in Mt Vernon and this just reinforces what a great community it is.

Carla Melcher said...

More hugs and prayers coming your way!!

Pat Sayers said...

Prayers to my neighbors who lost everything but what is truly important - friends, family, and mostly importantly FAITH! Liz Calloway Etheridge you are an inspiration to all. I am so blessed to call you my friend

Jeanne said...

One day at a time. Actually, I am a Corrie ten Boom fan big time. I have been to her home in Harleem, Holland twice and been through the clock shop and seen the second room where she hid Jews during WWII. If you are using her quote, you surely must have read her book called ”The Hiding Place.” If not, it is a MUST READ.

You have a lot of angels in your life – these are called friends.


Unknown said...

Liz, the reason you are so blessed is the person you are has touched these people, and me with your true blessing. You are loved because you love.

Unknown said...

Oh! Liz! This is the first I am hearing of this! I am so sorry. Please KNOW that I am praying for you, sharing this page & donating. I pray you will receive an abundance of money, strength, grace & mercy every day!