Monday, February 1, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 16

 February 1, 2016

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen.......but on what is unseen."

When your house floods from a 350-year flood after you've only been there 14 years, you discover a lot of things.

You discover that without a soundly built know....that part of your house that is "unseen" have to refocus where you look.  It's walk into our home right this very second...and everything two feet up to the 12' ceiling, looks perfectly normal.  Curtains still hang on the are still on the walls.....the kitchen is still as it was that dark night and I "think" there's still dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

But when you let your eyes drift downward, you see DIRT.  The underside of our home that no one, including me, ever sees.  You see the thing that is the most important.

The Foundation.

And I've discovered that a large part of my life has been focused on the stuff ABOVE the foundation.....the nicknack's, the sofa's, the TV's, the memories on the wall....replaceable stuff.

It's all useless clutter....and ultimately.....means nothing. 

I've learned that my house....and my life...will crumble without a solid foundation.  Our home is getting a brand new foundation built right now....the way it should have been built the first time.  And this girl talking to you right now....well, she hasn't always had a solid foundation in her life....her foundation had a lot of rot going on in it for years.  But she will tell you without-a-single-doubt.....that her Foundation is now God....and He is secure, solidly built and will never crumble and fail.

AND.....He offers a lifetime warranty.


Angie said...

this is GREAT Liz, glad to hear things are underway for repair, through the trials, we are continually growing closer to HIM and to constantly rely on HIM.

Sorry you had to go through this. There is such beauty in knowing we are a threat to Satan......... with the trials we go through.

Brooke said...

Good word sister. When I read this I immediately thought of the verse from Matthew : "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock."

I had to google it to see what the verse was and ran across these other verses that I thought might encourage you!

Love you!

Liz Hurt said...

I can promise you that right now angels in Heaven are rejoicing over this victory! But, better than that, our Father, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Faithful Shepherd is also rejoicing! He's on His feet, watching, cheering, smiling!! I promise!!! *:x lovestruck

Terri Hughes said...

Liz, as I watch from afar your journey through this flood I am encouraged and aware that all of us who are truly His are being shaken until nothing but He stands in our mortal bodies. I am beginning to understand the hymn "it is well with my soul". I am coming to believe these trials will teach us what the sabbath rest really is. I pray for you and all of our foundations to be solid.

Laurie Pace said...

A gift. God is good gifting us with your insights from all of this. Puts life into perspective

Steve Borth said...

Very well put, Liz.

Brenda said...

As usual, you blow me away with your words! Love you so much!

Robin's Nest said...

Wow...that took my breath away!!! I believe I need a closer look at my foundation...I can 'see' how the clutter has been my predominant focus! Wow Liz!!!!!

Joy Stone said...

When I see your support beams bared after the flood, I just want to cry for your loss, the work still to do, the emptiness of the room. You have had the rug pulled out from under you, literally, and emptiness remains at the house, but not in you. Your foundation is secure, your room is full of love and grace, and those things go with you as you share your life. Thank you.

Jeanne said...

Wow! That’s a lot more work to be done than I originally thought. The foundation – was it a slab, I presume? Please don’t tell me it was built on sand!

Lulu said...

Love your heart n your attitude. Nuthin in this life can break u. Because u r built on THE-ROCK. SENDING LOVE N PRAYERS

Nonia said...

Liz I have no doubt your foundation is ok….but can you look at your old papers and see what they have down for the foundation and see if there is a flaw with the builder wk……at least you might get a little help. God Bless You and Chuck

Jeannette said...

Amen to this Liz...very true. We can not stand on the foundation if it is not a solid foundation.

Love Jeanette

Sharon said...

So awesome of a lesson we ALL need to learn! You express soooooo well!!

Thanks for the reminder,
Love you,

Israel said...

I can say so many good things about you Liz, and one of them is "You are a very strong woman" and Chuck has been bless with. "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" Eph 6:10 Blessings Love you both.


Amy said...

Liz!!! You are such an inspirational! The foundation analogy speaks loudly! You are teaching, and you don't even know some of them that are reading and absorbing your words!!! Just wanted to say I love you and thank you for your friendship!!

Ant Ellie said...

Dear Chuck and Liz,
Best insurance you can have!.......a real solid foundation!
Love to you both lots and lots. ant ellie

Kathy said...

Love this, Liz. I pray all goes well now and the rest of the project goes quicker. Praying for you always.

Wish I knew what I could do for you. You're a strong lady willing to share your broken heart and pain. I'm here for you.

Putting on my armor everyday and scream "incoming fire". The enemy doesn't have the Power that we do when we put on GOD. Just remember that when things get overwhelming. God is in control of it all!! Talking to myself too.

My love to you & Chuck...


Cherie said...

I'll say it again have an amazing gift...a wat with words that surpasses most anything I've truly need to write a book! God bless y'all....still in my prayers!...

Sandee said...

Dear Sister-of-my-Heart,

I read your reflection in the FUMC newsletter today and, now, this blog….I am in happy tears. Your faith is such a testament for all of us to witness. (Can we say an, AMEN?!)

I truly believe God is using you as an example of complete, unconditional LOVE!! It’s like I am re-experiencing the joy and peace of when I made Christ the center of my life. Thank you for sharing your journey. I feel so uplifted, elated and, yes, hopeful for all of our futures.

You are truly blessing us all.. Well done good servant….Well. Done.

Love, Sandee & Larry

Lisa Dubon said...


I wanted to let you know that your prayer circle extends to Florida. Over the years I have loved getting updates on you and Chuck and your beautiful love story life. And the struggles too. Some of the things you have sent, words you wrote have been passed on and shared to friends of mine who were going through tough things in their lives. And I'm horrible because I read your words, and pray for my incredible friends in Texas and never spend five minutes to say hello. There are people in our lives we should hold on to and treasure, and others we should let go. I've let go of some good people simply because I was busy. That's a shame. You're a keeper!

So glad you have an amazing support group of friends and family. You will of course get through this and come out with better faith and closer relationships, but getting through is never easy.