Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 17

 February 9, 2016

Last. Week. Sucked. 

And if you were one of the many who unfortunately asked me how things were going with the Flood.. ...well.....I apologize for being only too eager to tell you.

~ I told you how our handicap van's electric ramp door hasn't worked since the flood waters entered it over a month ago......

~ I told you how the Workhorse Golf Cart hasn't worked since flood waters covered its engine and rendered it useless and is currently in the repair shop of a dude called "Last Chance Don"....

~ I told you how our boathouse kitchen, where we fix pancakes on summer Saturday mornings for family and neighbors, is one great big chunk of mold and has to be totally ripped out....

~ I told you how the two feet of water in the garage caused metal signs to fall over and damage the side of my Jeep.......

~ I told you how our contractors found what looked like a petrified monster lobster (actually, a crab) under our house while working and drew straws to see who got to eat him....

But the last straw.....the very last straw...was Friday when the washing machine repairman made his way around the dumpster, through the garage doors (that also aren't working, BTW), into my laundry room where my beautiful merlot colored washer sat lifeless.  The diagnosis:  $998.00. 

And then I got MAD.

Mad that everything we owned was either broke, drowned, wet or molded.  Everything.  So I headed to the boathouse to slam a few doors.  After the 5th slam of the boathouse door, I tripped and fell....rolled....and stopped just short of falling into the lake.

And as I lay there on the dirt covered, mold infested boat dock, hanging on for dear life, I started laughing.  Like....REALLY laughing.  Like...."You're-an-idiot-Liz" type laughing.

And that's when I knew God had a very warped sense of humor.......


Robin's Nest said...

Ah my friend....no words...a giggle at the pic in my mind of you shadow boxing in the boat house...but really...this is just a plain mess...I love that you can laugh with your Heavenly Father...HE knows just how much you needed that!

Brenda Nottingham said...

Dear, dear wonderful Liz. I'm so sorry you are going through so much but you are the most amazing person who thru it all has continued to praise God, give your troubles to him and yes, laugh. I love and admire your faith, courage and love. You are a reminder to all of us to keep our eyes on God at all times especially when bad stuff happens. Thank you.

Israel said...

I am so sorry about all the bad things you are experiencing, but it hurts my heart and I feel your pain. But I can pray to the almighty God to keep
you and Chuck safe and give you wisdom. With all my love.

Frosty said...

I'm so sorry for everything your going through . Stay strong !


Regina said...

My darling and beloved Liz,

You are a complete crack pot and I love every ounce and inch of you!! Life has SUCKED the big fat lemon of life for you and Chuck lately. HOWEVER, all that stuff is fixable……every…..last…..bit. No one has died. No one is maimed or fighting for their life. It may SUCK for a while yet…..but it WILL be okay!!!

I love you!!

I love you!!!

I love you!!!!

And, by the way, we are moving to Reston, VA. In probably 4-6 weeks. I currently live in the antiques capitol of Europe. Old, old crap can be bought for nearly a song. Is there anything you particularly fancy that I may gift you? A demijohn, a pickling jar? I love you - and will keep praying XOXOXOXOXOXO

Lulu said...

There r no accidents every thing happens for reason sorry this happened to u. But God has a reason to allow it. I know it hurts to have so many things ruined. But that's when we realize we have to depend on GOD not THINGS love u praying for u

Jeanne said...

Have you read the Book of Job lately? He didn’t give up, so neither can you. (P.S. I probably would have by now, BTW).

Kathy said...

LIZ....is that DIRT you're standing on? OH MY GOSH. That 'crabster' is ugggly. Was it alive still? Girl...you have a book here. You'll make millions....and be able to pay off that loan pronto. Think Erma Bombeck! :) I agree. God does have sense of humor....and not one I like either sometimes. Hang in there. Get 'well' soon. Slamming things helps for sure.

Thanks for some hilarity and good humor. When things really 'suck'....there's just no other way out! :)

Cherie said...

I am sooooo sorry....God bless you!!!

Linda Bolton said...

I so enjoy your blog, not the horrible things that have happened to you, but the way you put words on paper. Girl, this is great. Linda B.

Pam said...

You remain in my prayers and I'm so sorry you're going through this! (By the way, that's a crawfish, not a crab;)

Jack WAllace said...

Glad I can cry and laugh with you both! Love you guys!!!!!

Brenda Johnson said...

I just read your most recent blog. I just want you to know I love you. Your heart and soul is so big and full of God. You always inspire me. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now, but thank you for letting God's glory be shown through your circumstances. I fell so blessed to know you.
Love Brenda

Mike and Margie said...


We wanted you to know that we have so much respect for how you can still have a sense of humor and stay so positive in spite of what you have been dealing with. You don't realize it but you are teaching us that we should be ashamed of ourselves for getting so upset over a few minor incidents that have been occurring in our own lives lately. We thank you, dear friend, for showing us how to buck up, have faith, have a sense of humor, and then keep moving forward. Sending you both our love and a bunch of hugs.

Margie & Mike

Angie said...

AMEN............ you know with trials, we are a threat to Satan, without trials you're on his side :-(

Life is GOOD because this can be overcome.

Donya Barker said...

You are a wonderful person!! I'm praying for you and your husband...Sunday's coming!!!

Dorothy said...

Oh Liz. I can't tell you how sorry we are about all the flood damage. But once I got to the part about you falling down and almost falling into the lake I was laughing. Then I continued to read that you were laughing too. Guess that's the only thing to do when your world is falling apart (literally). And I agree. Got has a very warped sense of humor. Then I read the whole blog to Ed and started laughing again. Nothing funny about the situation at all. So thankful you can see the humor when everything is going wrong. BTW, our garage door isn't working either. Hang in there. At some point (I hope soon) things will be good again.

Jerri Sue Profitt said...

It worked! Love you! I admire your strength! Don't know if I would be as strong!! And yes! You need to write a book!!

Julie Grant said...

I love to read your blog. Even in the darkest days, you keep your faith and your sense of humor. It's okay to be mad and slam some doors... and cry.. just dont stay there. Prayers continue for you .. this too shall pass.

Jim Sullivan said...

Dear Liz.

These chapters are not getting any easier to read (not to mention live through ). I so wish I lived closer so I could be of more help to you guys. I feel so helpless and useless in these situation. It does seem as though everything around you has turned to mud ( I was going to use another word , but that would not be nice ) . The following is easy for me to say , so bear with me. You need to let go of all the material stuff! It can all be replaced , fixed or discarded completely. What you NEVER will be without is the love from your friends and family and the Lord. Yes , He has a warped sense of humor , so what . Just remember not to loose yours ! It is one of His tests. And you are being tested big time. I know you will pass the " final " so hang tough and keep smiling and laughing like an Idiot . I know you are not an Idiot.

Keep your head up. Love to all. Your friend , Jim.