Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 30

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me.”
― Matthew West

The sun is coming up...the misty fog is lifting off the lake and I'm sitting here....on our own this very moment.  The chi-chi birds are nose-diving Kruger-the-1-claw cat beside me as we both sit here watching the sky change colors. 

I won't lie.  I silently questioned whether this day would ever come. A week ago today,  in the rain (of course!), we moved for the third time since the end of December....but this time, back into our own home...with floors, walls and a toilet.

I've struggled over this past week with how to describe this monumental moment to you.  There's so many things I want to share with you....the anxiety, the tears, the anger, the FEAR, the toll its taken on my husband's health.....but then I realized these were all things from Me and not from God.  It's too much about us and not enough about Him.  I think that's why I will be painting this Matthew West quote on a wall somewhere on our brand smackin' new sheetrock:

"Father, break my heart for what breaks Yours.
Give me open hands and open doors 
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me."

When your life gets displaced for a moment in time.....whether its the loss of a job, a death, or even a dang's so easy to justify carrying the badge of "Whoa is me".  We say to anyone who'll listen, "Poor will I ever get past this?"  We make it all about us.  But it's's really not.  This 5-6 months of "inconvenience" for us is a simple bleep on the radar in relation to our eternity....our month-of-Sundays....our forever. 

Trust me, it's been a roller coaster ride reminding myself daily this won't last forever....I have cried tears of "Whoa is me" most all of the 157 days since The Flood.....and like the chapter of a book you can't wait to end, we can see the final paragraphs of this chapter we are living coming to a close.

Our chapter isn't quite finished yet, though......there is still a lot of work to do and we are living in only 1/2 of the house right now.  If you drew a straight line down the middle of our house, we are living in the almost-completed West Wing.....the East Wing is still under construction with sawhorses, paint cans and boxes of 350' of left-over wood flooring.  It's not at all uncommon to race from the West Wing to the East Wing in your pajamas, while dodging wood-sawing-contractors, to get your underwear out of the master bedroom closet.   We are strangely feeling like Shelley Long and Tom Hanks in the movie, "The Money Pit".......

There is still beadboard to paint (ughhh).....cabinets to clean....light fixtures to hang.  But we are closer today than we were yesterday.  And tomorrow.....yep...we'll be a couple sentences closer to the end of this chapter than we are today. 

Thank you for praying for us.  Thank you for sharing how our Flood has helped you in your own flood and thank you for continuing to live this chapter right alongside us.

The sun WILL come out tomorrow......


Joy Stone said...

So glad you are HOME. Missed you at Bible Study. May God continue to heal your lives as the house is being restored and the Kingdom of God is glorified. Love to you both.

Mary Lee said...

I love the Matthew West quote! I am thinking about where U will put it. I would think I might like to wake up to it every morn. But then others would not get to enjoy it so much. Anywhere will be Awesome, as r you.
Mary Lee

Laurie Pace said...

Need any special art? Love you guys. Hope to be there this month. One more day of babysitting! Want to see the rebirth in person.

Georgia said...

What an ordeal you have been through. With our small cabin flood destruction which was more about time and labor (Hal's) than money makes my heart hurt for what you and Chuck have been through. I'm so glad you had God on your side to walk with you through this time. Just knowing he is always there is such a Blessing which is what you are to me.

Robin's Nest said...

No words...happy hugs and kisses for you and Chuck...sending prayers for yet more endurance!!

Jeanne said...

So glad you are home again, noisy tho it may be sometimes. I thought about you a lot in the recent flooding rain we’ve had and was almost afraid to open my email. But you sent great news instead, so maybe God knew you had had enough water in your home and diverted the flood around you! Yea!


Diana Antionello said...

Love reading your uplifting words, Liz - thank you! Continued love and prayers, my friend.

Jo Hanson said...

So glad there has progress to returning home.

Ellen Louro said...

So very happy you are back "Home".

Chloanne said...

When you said "tomorrow", I heard the song from Annie, "Tomorrow"

There will be lots of tomorrows, hopefully easier and smoother than today. I'm praying for both of you. Yes, "The sun will come out . . tomorrow," and there will be rainbows.

Much love,


Denise said...

Thank you for the reminder Liz, that when things go wrong sometimes, it's not always about ' me '. I love your positive attitude with life, you are so uplifting when I need it - love you - Denise

Liz Hurt said...

Oh, my friend, how I want to be right in the middle of everything, cleaning out the cabinets, making coffee, painting or whatever is needed. Please know how much I want to be right there beside you through this ordeal. But through it all, I have known and know now that the Lord is doing a deep work in you and Charlie. I just don't know what that is. Actually, it is none of my business. But I care - - so maybe it's a little bit of my business. Anyway, I love you and pray for you when I can. Love, TOL

Jeannie Pamplin said...

Would you like me to help you put this in a book? So many have suffered, but few have the faith and outlook that you have. Your words and pictures would be an inspiration to so many.

Lulu said...

God Bless u both n all who were caught in this horrible nitemare. U r in my prayers everytime u come to mind. Love u. Our home was flooded with CLEAN water in Mo when pipe bringing water into house broke in middle of nite I stepped out of bed in Cold water. What a shock. It was months before our home was restored. We slept nites at Cheries n spent days in our garage. It happened in Aug. imagine in garage in heat with doors open n fan blowing ?? Trouble getting insur to pay up in timely manner delayed us months. So in away I share your pain. God Bless. Sending love n prayers. Lulu