Saturday, April 9, 2022

Oh God, Please - Make - It - Stop!!

 God.....Oh God......



Make it stop. Please make it stop. 

 They were innocent.....they were just living their lives.....trying to flee to safety. These 52 look like us.....they live like us.....they were busy working, marrying, having children. They could have been us. It’s impossible to not look at their faces and not see my own. But I hope and pray many, if not all, of them are with You now. This nightmare they have been living since the end of February is finally over for them. Their fears are gone.....their tears have stopped.....and their smiles have returned to their faces.... they have finally arrived at safety. It just wasn’t by the train they had hoped it would be. They are now Home. With You. You rescued them from the nightmare they were living. Oh Father, my hope and prayer is that the 52 that were snatched yesterday all believed in You.....and the ones left behind will discover You through this nightmare.

That is my prayer this morning......

I trust Your Will, Father......even when it looks like You weren’t at the train station yesterday.....I personally know You were. And I pray for the person You are weeping over who pulled the trigger of that bomb.....who personally sent it...killing so many. How do they feel this morning? Is there a smidgen of remorse? What about the person who painted the words “For The Children” on the side of that bomb? Did they wake up proud of themselves this morning? Were they being patted on their backs for their achievement? Did they think of their own small children and wife and how they would feel if someone did that to them? Did they think about their Mom and what she would think of what her son did? If its impossible for me to not see my face on the Ukrainian people’s faces, how did the trigger puller not see his own family’s face on those at the train station?

I don’t understand.

And although the 52 no longer feel fear, I feel it. I cry tears they no longer cry....its impossible not to in the face of a humanity gone mad.

Father, yesterday one of the things I told You I was thankful for was that I didn’t live in Ukraine.....or Russia. That You allowed me to live safely in the US. That I don’t know what the sound of a bomb dropping in my city sounds like, or what having a gun in my face feels like or the hands of a madman placed on me.

“He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. For the righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see His face.” Psalm 11:6-7

So we trust You, God. We trust that You know best...that You will handle their destinies appropriately. Be with the families of those cut short with the families of those Russian soldiers who sent the bomb “to the children” as we all try to make sense of an impossible act.

And God, one last request; may the souls of those under the control of evil be snatched by You from its hands.

God, please make it stop.


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