Friday, April 15, 2022



I can’t count how many times my family has driven over the old Mississippi River bridge in Vicksburg, MS on our way to visit our Grandma-In-The-Woods in Alabama. Dad would always laugh as he “hugged” the guardrail scaring everyone & making Mom mad. 

But yesterday, as we started our journey back home, we found ourselves back at that old Mississippi River bridge….still standing after all 60+ of my years….but replaced by a brighter, shinier, newer bridge right next to it. The only thing the old bridge is used for these days is a train trestle & a whole bunch of memories. 

And how many times did our little Calloway family pass the Vicksburg Civil War Battleground & never stop? Now I’m not much of a war history lover, but this place impressed me….and even Molly! It truly is hallowed ground. 

Love travelin’ with my military man & my Starbucks-Pup-Cup-Lovin’ Dog.


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