Tuesday, July 1 - Salt Lake City, UT
Well, here we are in BEAUTIFUL Salt Lake City! WOW is the closest word I can use to describe the surroundings. We drove today through what they call the High Desert and it was the best driving I've had on this trip. Fairly straight road - cruise control; construction most of the way, but very little traffic; scenery I've only seen in magazines; the Salt Flats were incredible. Looks just like snow. We drove right through the Bonneville Salt Flats as we arrived in Utah and pretty much most of the way to Salt Lake City. It was so neat.......I wanted to take a right turn and drive the RV out onto it, but Chuck insisted I not do that.
Just as I was grabbling the camera to capture some of this for ya, the camera started acting up. Wouldn't stay on, errrrrr, therefore, I did what anyone would do; I panicked. I then grabbed the camcorder, the battery was almost dead..AGAIN. Grabbed my cell phone and started snapping pictures with it. Anyway, I got you some pictures of this through the cell phone, but don't expect much. And we did get some video that I'll put on YouTube for you to see. Long story short, we set up camp in Salt Lake City at an awesome KOA camp (usually the word "awesome" and "KOA" don't go well together, but this time was an exception). We rushed out to Best Buy and checked out their cameras and Liz got her birthday present this evening. A neat little Nikon Coolpix P90. Way cool. So expect some awesome pictures from now on!
Ok, I've gotten quite a number of responses regarding how I managed to get the RV out of the parking spot in Vacaville, CA. No one got the answer right and I'm quite disappointed; no faith in me whatsoever!! The answer is........wait for it........are you ready......can you handle this........I popped that puppy right out of the spot THE FIRST TRY by myself. No backing up, no hitting a caboose, no hitting the monster Chevy PU next door, didn't nail the 5th wheel across the street (if you want to all it a street) nope.....nada......none of the above......piece of cake! I should have been a truck driver! Shame on ya'll for not getting this right!
Tomorrow I get to do something you guys will all (well, maybe not you men) be so jealous of.......you'll just have to wait and read. It's going to be awesome......
We are currently in Olympia WA; we'll stay here for two weeks (leave on 7/6) and then go to Easton Lake for a week, then Moses Lake for a week, then Newport for two weeks, and then we'll go into Idaho and slowly wend our way to Butte Montana where we'll meet Lee's brother and his wife. After that it's Yellowstone for about a week or two and finally Rapid City, SD until mid/end September. We have to be back in California in time to catch a plane to Hawaii on 10/22.
Since we have retired, we travel slowly and really savor a place instead of racing madly and seeing the highlights as we had to do when we were working. We have had some wonderful times in Utah; we have friends who live in Orem so whenever we are out that way, we try to camp somewhere nearby so we can see them a couple of times.
If you would like, I'll look up my travelogue on that area and send it to you so you can see some of the things that you may have missed and might want to check out next time you're there.
You and Chuck need to watch Ice Truckers on the History Channel. One of the truckers is a cute blonde chick that reminds me of you. The other day, she put 100lb ice chains on her tires all by herself and she doesn't weigh much more than that herself!
Be safe.
Love J and E
been reading but haven't taken time to send response. The pic of your parking escape from the camp ground didn't not open for me. Not seeing it only gives me the idea that I would have asked the person in with the 5th wheel to please move.
Glad it was you driving between barriers not one of my favorite things to do. but unlike driving thru two lane construction with barriers on both sides and mirrors on trucks have inches for clearance you don't have to worry about someone crossing the line into your 8 foot space LOL
You appear to be having a great trip and seeing a lot of the country not counting the people your are meeting.
haven't heard anything lately about the RV misbehaving again so that is great
continue to have a safe journey and keep posting pics.
My brother went to Salt Lake City to study at the University of Utah for his Phd. Got it, then was appointed the Director of the Energy Dept. for the state and stayed there over 15 yrs before going into consulting work. That was more than 35 yrs ago..Never came "home" to Texas!!!! (tho' last yr. they did buy a townhouse in Austin for occasional visits and his company opened a small office there) He said the environment to get out and do things in Utah's mountains and deserts like skiing, hiking, running, camping,etc. was too great to give it up for the return here. Kinda proves he was the smarter of the two children born to my parents!!!!! But being a raunchy little Texas Methodist has caused some bumps among the Mormons-----no comment!
I love "traveling" with y'all through this trip. On a very serious note, I have such days of depression and your blogs are so much fun and so funny that they really help!!
Love to all "three" of you! Travel safely!
Beautiful pics Liz, whish I was there. Happy trails, and looking forward to meet you guys. Drive safe!!
Double dog dare you to. Call me when 24hours out so that I can be there. 214.869.9000
LOVE THE BLOG. Never thought I would enjoy such a thing, but its just so awesome to see the awesomeness of your retirement life. My is rapidly approaching and I want to be just like you and Chuck. You both are blessed. I wish you many more years of such travel and challenges. Sherrie
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