Tuesday, March 1, 2011
So, as I sit here typing this Blog, I am listening to Murphy and his neighbor Friend/Foe barking their fool heads off in the living room as they fight to see who wins the prize of sitting in Chuck's lap......
This comes on the heels of Togo cleaning out Murphy's ear....yes....only one ear. This explains Murphy's current hairstyle....
Funny thing happened to me at the store today......
I had just arrived at the store this morning when I felt something running down my pants leg.....inside pants leg......obviously I was thinking the same thing you're thinking and down right mortified until.......until......out came a quarter. I walked a few more steps when I feel it again and low and behold, as something cold slid down my leg and out the bottom of my pants came a dime........By now, I'm chuckling to myself thinking how funny that must have looked to the people behind me when out came another quarter......I'm figuring I probably ought to hot glue that hole in my pocket......I now have an extra $.60 to spend on glue sticks....
Check out where my beautiful $60 chair is now residing.......L*O*V*E*L*Y........My friend Cynthia helped me find the perfect place to set it in the guest bedroom!

Great place for your new chair!
Hey Lizzie!
Sorry, you probably don't like that nick name......
We were actually traveling in Nov & Dec-it was cold in Florida, so we came back home around Christmas.
Been busy with Winter guests & painting around the park & office areas when weather permits
It feels like spring today -65 degrees & NO WIND!
The summer reservations are coming in & we're excited about the season We both enjoy your blog, you have the most amazing sense of humor & many times I LOL & almost wet my pants (this happens easily when you get my age)....
Keep the faith
Margie Champlin
That is one handsome chair! You do have a good eye for style and quality! Perfect placement. Hope you get to use it daily...very good for digestion. Hope it is getting spring there....we had one day of spring and it went straight from winter into summer....with humidity, 80 degree weather and all these lovebugs....and every other kind of bug. ugh! you take it easy and don't work too hard.
I love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie
Chair looks great! I'm so glad you got it. We missed you last night. No guilt trip - just missing you. Love, TOL
Love this blog!! The dog's are precious!!! The "money drop" I have 'been there, done, that'!!! But oh, what a perfect place for the chair!!!! As I remember that room is black and white!! I still LOVE it!!!!
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