Friday, June 10, 2011
Well folks, what an exciting night it was tonight!
Yours truly was asked to surprise a group of Birthday Club folks here in Mt. Vernon by teaching them how to Hula Dance........Do I know how to Hula Dance you ask?? NOPE........I am a YouTube self-taught student of the Hula Dance. I've been hula'ing in front of my computer all week with Iwalani Kiana to the tune of "Little Brown Gal" and, unfortunately, it was a pretty ugly scene in my home office.
I wore my grass skirt, strung my lei's around my neck, wrist and head, and proceeded to frolick, prance, leap, cavort and dart about.....everything BUT Hula Dance in front of this Birthday Club. Yep, it was quite a show.......I'm so grateful everyone was laughing so hard that they forgot to video it with their cell phones.
As I dragged the five birthday folk up to the front to embarrass them (oh ya, and teach them some Hula moves too!), all was going well until we got to the second verse of Little Brown Gal.......the CD started the singer was singing really really fast.....
As I watched my five birthday volunteers trying to do their moves to the beat of the rapidly playing CD, I couldn't help but think this just couldn't have gone any better.......It was truly one of those funny moments we all won't soon forget.
So, to sum this evening up........this is what I hoped we would look like tonight......
This is what we actually looked like.......
(sorry Hal, you accidently didn't get in the picture).......

-And you were all adorable. Linda B.
Too bad there was no video.....could have been a hit on You Tube!!!
Wish I had been there! What a hoot! I miss you. TOL
To funny. Would like to have seen a video
Barry Crow
Liz, you just slay me!!!!! I have so missed your usual "regularity of hilarity"! Keep it up. Debra
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