I am infected.
I got the infection right here in Mt. Vernon.
I caught it the minute I first walked into the Mt. Vernon First United Methodist Church several years ago.
It was obvious.....I've experienced bouts of this syndrome during my life but, now, I have a full blown case. I pray I am infected, contagious and will never recover.
I have the syndrome of GRATEFULNESS.
learned several years ago that Gratefulness is my best ally. During
the past 7 weeks, I have not only "felt" the overwhelming effects of the
Syndrome of Gratefulness, but I have "seen" others with this same
condition. I saw it in the heart of Susan Sample as she gave up each of
her days to love on each child, each volunteer, each bus driver during
Lunches of Love. I saw it in people like Stephen Marshall as he took
hundreds of video clips of the "grateful" children and put it all
together in a magical video. I saw this infection in Maaike Plantinga
and Terri Ruyle as they joyfully prepared over 3000 meals in the course
of 7 weeks....and I saw it in the faces of the 150 Mt. Vernon
Independent School District teachers and staff as they were hosted,
thanked and PRAYED over at a luncheon in our own Family Life Center
before their school year begins next week.
I see this infection everywhere I look here in Mt. Vernon. The Gratitude Syndrome makes you desire what you already have rather than needing to have what you think you desire. Gratitude makes life's horizon bright and big rather than dark and distant. It turns what you have into more than enough.*
I am infected......and I hope I am never cured.
Let's ALL be carriers of the Gratitude Syndrome.....it is the infection that keeps our souls well.
*Quote from Jennifer Rothschild