Sunday, August 25, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "Johnny Newsome"

"Jesus asked....."What do you think?  Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?"
"The one who treated him kindly," the religion scholar responded.
Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
Luke 10:36, 37 (Msg)

The dictionary describes a "Samaritan" as "a charitable or helpful person" .  My definition is "Johnny Newsome".....our very own Samaritan.

Johnny has worked at The Samaritan Shop in downtown Mt. Vernon for 21 years......charitably.  See, he makes sure the less fortunate folk in Mt. Vernon have a coat to wear in the winter, shoes to protect their feet and a smile to greet them as they humbly enter his Samaritan Shop on the square.  There is no cash register in this store; there is a simple coffee can with a slit in the top for any small amount they can give.  There are no price tags on the clothes.....there is no limit to how many they can take.  There is just the simple assurance of witnessing.....being a Samaritan to those who are unable to help themselves.

But there's more to Johnny than his Samaritan title.  He's been a clown, an elf, a railroad engineer, a parrot, even cupid and a red hat lady.  He explained to me that he was bullied as a child....mocked because he was different.  He chose to take the higher know, the Samaritan he learned to be a clown and give them something to really laugh at.  He taught everyone how to laugh.  He clowned around on the Jerry Lewis Telethon in Tyler and he was known as "Dr. Feel Good" at the children's hospitals where he visited in his many personality costumes and taught the kids with cancer what it felt like to laugh again.

He taught me that the sweet Johnny Newsome I see at church for a total of 5 minutes each week was much more than a cool dude with a great hug.  He was funny, had an amazing memory for dates and that most every church in Mt. Vernon faces either East or West.   He reminded me that in the face of adversity, a smile goes a long way.  That mercy to a neighbor out of work can be a reflection of Christ.

And this Man-of-the-Year-2003 taught to be a Samaritan.

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