Sunday, November 10, 2013

GROWING SEEDS: "Priorities"

Check out the cool drawing above.  I'm not sure exactly who drew this, but I do know it was one of our younger members who handed it to Jack as they were leaving church last week.  Did you notice the rainbow?  How about the 10 hearts?  How about "God and Jesus love us and care for us!"  I admit, I added the cross on one of the 10 hearts.  But let me tell you why…..

I heard an interesting story this week from a long time member of our church.   She was telling me that when she and her husband first started attending First United Methodist many years ago, they prioritized their household expenses like this:  
1) Mortgage 2) Utilities 3) Food 4) Personal Expenses 5) Church Giving (Tithe).  They lived like most of us; sticking strongly to a tight budget with very little to spare.  But upon hearing a sermon on stewardship one Sunday, they felt deeply challenged about how much they TRUST God to provide for their every need.  They decided to move the last item on their list to the very top of the list.  They moved "Church Giving" to the #1 position.  A decision that would terrorize most every one of us.  

It was a bold move……a move that challenged their trust that He is faithful in all things and will take care of them and meet their needs just as He had promised.   A move that guaranteed to be full of rainbows and hearts……as well as anxiety and tension.  But they realized this money they were calling "theirs" never had belonged to them.  God provided each and every dime in their bank account.  It was HIS money and He had blessed them greatly with it.

This church member was Andrea Abbott..  She not only made the bold move to move God to the top of her financial list, but she also moved Him to the top of her daily activities list.  She has served this church and her God well.  She is the fuel that drives and keeps our beloved church organized.   And because she was faithful and honored His request, He has given back to her with BONUS and BLESSING just as He promised……even in the face of daily trials….like cancer.  

The question I have to ask myself is, "Can I put my FAITH where my MONEY is?

Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, 
but not merely given back—
given back with BONUS and BLESSING. 
GIVING, not GETTING, is the way. 
Generosity begets generosity.”
Luke 6:38

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