Monday, March 7, 2016

Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 21

 March 7, 2016

"The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone.  
You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face.  
This awareness opens up a choice: 
to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence.  
So, consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials.
(I must admit; this line makes me scratch my head every time I read it) 
These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone."  
Jesus Calling, March 7 (James 1:2-3)

The trees are budding....the daffodils are blooming.....and I have tiny blooms on my azaleas that struggled to keep their heads above water for a week in December.

And I've got to be honest with you.......I want to start this new week like I want a Root Canal. 


We have more rain headed our way.  Lots and Lots and Lots more rain.  Like 10-12 inches of rain possible......All week....

"And the rain fell and the floods came....and the winds blew and beat on this house.  
But it did not fall, because it had been founded on the Rock."  
Matthew 7:25

And I waffle between "Faith" and "Fear"....... I see the dark clouds a bruise on your leg that you know will get worse before it gets better....

So I reread the scriptures covering my beams and studs and sheetrock.....left there by friends who genuinely want me to tattoo them into my heart and brain so I won't forget them during these anxious moments....and I feel my shoulders relax a bit....

I tell myself that any storm that comes this week can't do any more damage than has already been done.....we are still rebuilding the foundation....we still don't have floors or sheetrock or furniture....this storm can't do us any more damage.....

But I think about the other 50 people on this lake who have just moved back into their newly repaired floors, new walls, new paint, new furniture.....and how anxious they must be feeling as they watch the dark clouds covering their homes and docks.....

I pray their hearts will find Peace in the storm....find Comfort in the only One who can bring comfort....and pray the heavy rains miss us.

This little town we live in has witnessed miracles before.  A few years ago, right before Christmas, we had a big ice storm coming our way.  We were straight-up in the middle of its angry path.  It was a big weekend for this little town of ours.....Christmas programs at every church....the town Christmas Parade...celebrations everywhere.  If they had to be canceled due to ice, they couldn't be rescheduled.

This town got on their knees and prayed protection from this looming storm....and wouldn't you know it.....the storm turned north when it got to the county line.  Made a solid left turn on the the "Welcome To Franklin County" sign.....and missed us.  The trees on the west side of the sign were covered in ice.....the trees on the east side of the sign had no ice.  No lie....this happened.  There is something special about Mt. Vernon.......

I'm just sayin'.....

So if I could be so bold as to ask you to whisper a prayer for those of us in the path of this looming week of storms......for Courage....for Faith.....for Peace.

Thank you, friends.......


Israel said...

The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner This is the Lord's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day
which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:22-24 Blessings too you and Chuck.


Jeannette said...

Liz, I am praying with you and all the people on the lake, that we don't get a lot of rain as they are predicting. God help us to be strong and believe in his word that he will never leave us or forsake us!

Love ya Jeanette

Lee said...

Lord, please send the torrential rains away from places that have already had more rain than the land can handle. Please preserve Mt. Vernon, especially, and flood that special place, not with rain, but with peace.

Diana A. said...

Praying, Liz. I can only imagine how unnerving it must be. I love the way you "keep the faith". We are all keeping it with you, friend.

Elease Hubbell said...

Prayers coming your way. Praying for no rain

Tonya Woods said...

Prayers being sent your way.

Steve Borth said...

I join with you and many others asking that you all will see your prayers answered and the rain not bring damage your way. We know the Bible to say to the mountain be moved, your mountain is rain, I say be moved and spare any destruction to anyone, in Jesus name.

Lulu said...

Praying for u n all families there that rain passes u by. Sending love n prayers God Bless

Jeanne said...

Just maybe it was not the town, but the people God was protecting from the ice!

I had something similar happen when we lived on Cliffmere three miles south of Woodbridge. A tornado took out part of a tree and house behind me and also in front of me, but did a “dido” around my house that was in the middle. Very weird! I will pray the rain doesn’t reach your very strong foundation.


Regina said...

My beloved friend - I will not whisper - Jesus is Lord! We have experienced His grace and favor twice with the weather. Joshua 1:5-9 He has you all!!

Cherie said...

Praying you and your home stay safe from the storms!

Carla Melcher said...

Praying for another dramatic turn in the storms path that is headed your way.....also for protection and peace.

Harmony Jenks said...

U r built a living stone on the solid foundation. U do well to remember the miracles. I am glad u have your scriptures. Whatever comes I know your inner being is safe and secure and God will get u through the circumstances.Hoping with you no more damage!!!

Maaike said...

Praying right now, love you, Maaike

Jenni M said...

Prayers sent! Love the story about the ice!!

Jennifer Gonzales said...

Very inspirational. It gave me goosebumps. :)

bloempje said...

With God, all things are possible. I pray that the rain falls where it is sorely needed, and I pray that Lake Cypress will be spared another overflow. I pray that my trip to Flint, tx will be dry so I can meet my new grand niece. It will be a trial for me even with sunshine all the way. All things are possible with God. I believe, and we will all make it thru. Love to you and Chuck.

Julie Grant said...

prayers will be spoken and He will listen. Love you two. Stop waffling heart emoticon

Sandee said...

Dear Friend, I pray for you every day. I love you….God is protecting us all. Love, Sandee