Sunday, August 6, 2017

"LET'S GET ACQUAINTED".....Robert & Christy Jones


"LET'S GET ACQUAINTED....."      Robert and Christy Jones

A train collided with a Pilgrim’s Feed truck at a RR crossing in Franklin County on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.  The impact separated the trailer’s cab from the frame......The cab came to rest against a tree and fence row....The driver was Robert Jones.....his condition is unknown at this time."

It was a Fall Tuesday afternoon when Robert Jones was busy at work making deliveries in his 18-wheeler.  The last thing he remembers is his front wheels being on the train tracks.  The next thing he remembers is its Winter....February to be exact....and he is broken and in pain at the hospital.  He has a massive head injury, broken back, broken tailbone and the bone in his knee straight down to his foot has been replaced with metal. 

He is told by a co-worker that there were 11 semi-truck accidents that year with trains....
10 didn't make it.  
Robert was the 11th.

He and his wife Christy have found themselves these past three years painfully walking a path that has taken them over boulders and mountains to climb, yet...they keep walking.  They don't give up and they keep believing God is in charge and leading them down this road for a reason.  They wish they knew what that reason they patiently wait to see what God has planned for them.

Christy, already suffering from seizures and now Robert, learning to walk again with the assistance of his homemade cane, started attending the First United Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon a few months ago.  Their friend and neighbor, Joy Stone, kept inviting them until one day, they walked through our double doors for the first time. 

"I walked into this church and I immediately felt His Spirit", Robert said.  "These are the nicest people here at First United Methodist in Mt. Vernon", Christy added. 

We may never know the reason this happened to Robert and Christy.  But maybe God needed them sitting in the late service, middle section pews of this blessed church of ours.  And maybe God is working mighty miracles with, and through, this couple who are growing stronger with each new day. 

So, go...shake their hands..give them a gentle hug...and welcome them into our family.  It's what we do when the love of Jesus runs rampant through the aisles of this church.

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