Sunday, February 16, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: "The Only Time God Tells You To Slip Out of Church Early"

"If you enter a place of worship and about to make an offering, then suddenly remember a grudge that a friend has against you,
abandon your offering, leave immediately,
go to this friend and make things right. 
Then and only then, come back and work things out with God." 
Matthew 5:23-24 (MSG)

The great Christian writer, Max Lucado, once wrote, "As far as I know, this is the only time God tells you to slip out of church early.  Apparently, he’d rather have you give your olive branch than your tithe.  If you are worshiping and remember that your mom is hacked-off at you for forgetting her birthday, then get off the pew and find a phone. Maybe she’ll forgive you; maybe she won’t. But at least you can return to your pew with a clean conscience.”

I had to chuckle visualizing 20 guilt-ridden Christians jumping up from their cushioned pews, running out the back door of the church to phone a disgruntled friend just as the offering plate made its way to them.   I can only imagine the speculation and lunchtime conversation about "why" from those left holding the offering plate.

But if Matthew 5:23-24 has taught me anything, it is that reconciliation is critical to my relationship with Christ. 

I'm no stranger to disgruntled relationships...after all, I'm a girl.  We invented the word "disgruntled".  We wear our feelings on our sleeves and get our hearts broken....and break others' hearts....easily.  But I love what the writer of Matthew is saying here.  Resolve your issues with each other FIRST....and then come to God SECOND to complete the reconciliation.

My tendency over the years in dealing with disgruntled relationships....whether it be them or me that's disgruntled....has been one of avoidance.  I tend to take the easy route by stepping back, saying nothing and then pulling away from the friendship, all the while sometimes harboring unforgiveness.  (I can see many of my disgruntled friends shaking their heads and whispering under their breath, "Yep, that's what Liz does!" when they read this confession.)  DO-NOT-DO-WHAT-I-DO.  That is the opposite of what Matthew 5:23 is saying. 

Instead, go to those you have offended and ask forgiveness....and forgive those who have offended you.  NOW.  Even when it requires an interruption of your worship time.  Be assured, God will be waiting when you return with a full dose of forgiveness for you.

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